
The timer trick

Ah, once I finish tying up a few loose ends (getting the first load of laundry in the washer, heating up a cup of joe, emailing a rose reminder to my chapter, eating-because if I don't I'll faint from hunger or dive into the kiddo's Halloween candy) I'll be starting my timer set for 30 minutes.
Why 30 minutes?
Because it's doable. It might take the first 5 or 10 minutes to get into the groove, but BICHOK for 30 minutes--not a problem! When I tried two hours--hell, then I'm up and wandering around and wind up spending less than 15 minutes total actually writing. Whereas, I can do 4 30-minute segments, and really write for 2 hours.
After I write for 30 minutes, then I can take a 30 minute break: to read email, refresh my coffee, move the laundry to the dryer, etc.
Try it, you just might like it!


  1. Yeah, this is the ONLY thing that really works for me, besides meeting a friend at a coffee shop with no wifi (no email = way more writing for me).

  2. Okay, you're on. I'm off to set my timer! But Laundry? Please!!! :) Okay, I guess it's either or wash windows.

  3. I love using a timer. I usually spend 45 minutes writing, then 15 minutes of speed housecleaning or take a brisk walk to get the blood flowing again.

    Great theme for the day!

  4. Sounds like a winner schedule to me. I have an online sprint partner and we sometimes clock in at 45 minutes for up to four hours. I do slip away for pottie breaks and drink refreshing and maybe a snack, but at least I get some words on the page! We have had as many as four of us sprinting at the same time.

  5. I am exactly the opposite. If I try to write for 30 minutes, I watch the clock and get nothing done. I like a minimum of four hours, but rarely do I get that. So, Im willing to give the timer a shot - but in one ho0ur icrements.

    Thanks for the tip.

  6. Great idea. Let me put the groceries away, and I'll give it a try.

  7. I'm in training right now for work but I'll give the timer thing a whirl sometime this week. If only I can turn off email and spider solitaire.

  8. Hey! Where did this come from??? I didn't know you were blogging.

    I like your plan. I could do thirty minutes at a time!


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