Showing posts with label things to do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label things to do. Show all posts


Summer Lethergy

I have been seriously slacking in the last few weeks. And according to my blog stats, so has my quiet army of blog hoppers. Summer has us in its grips of ennui.

The heat in the middle of this country is freaking ridiculous! We've had 100+ temps in June, most of July, and I don't think the meteorologists expect a break until winter rolls in. Almost all the yards are brown. Trees are killing off their leaves to remain alive. And no one wants to go outside. Heck, we have a swimming pool and we don't want to go outside. I've managed to scorch myself on the latex-coated pool mat! Yes, it's that bad.

Does that mean I've been writing like a fiend?

Uh, no. Remember, I have a kid at home--school starts on August 22!! Only a few more weeks to go. I think we have everything ready for the big day. I know I do! I have finally written down monthly goals for August. And it's a hefty list:
  • Write bio for Susan--I'm giving a talk to Romance Writers Ink about REJECTION in November, which reminds me--I need to finish writing notes down for this!
  • Write 25 pgs and 1 pg synopsis for FIRE--I need to this by August 12, since I want to enter a contest
  • Write article for Amy's Author EMS site--Amy asked me to give a tutorial about how to set up Blogger as a website presence, due Aug. 12. I started this blog in 2008, I don't remember what I did! Oh, well, writer here. I can simply lie about it!
  • Edit/format MAZE to publish Sept. 1--get on Laura's butt about my cover design. I also need to read up on the new guidelines for Smashwords and Kindle. They have something new with linking the chapters to the locations in the book, which means I'll need to REDO the three books already available! UGH!
  • Edit TROLL for publication in October--I honestly don't see this happening! September, maybe. August, not so much.
Oh, yeah, we're also going on vacation in August, and we need to get everything ready for the housesitter. That way all she has to do is take care of the pool, dog and guinea pig.

Did I ever mention that I like lists?

I do. It helps the Virgo in me to keep track of everything going on. Are you a list maker? Or do you wing it? When I try to wing it, I always forget something. Well, gotta go and get started on my bio. Okay, I lied. I do have a shorty-short one on this blog, but I'm also writing a long one that's running about 1000 words.

Later, Peeps!