Showing posts with label stripping wallpaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stripping wallpaper. Show all posts


Half-bath Update

Hubs finished the half-bath.

I don't know why they call it a 'half-bath', they should simply call it 'toilet and sink' room since that is all that fits in there. This room took him a little longer, but it was mainly due to the color choice we made.

We chose poorly.

We thought a deep red (the swatch is stuck in the mirror) would look good. And in theory, it would have. When he painted a splotch on the wall, we stared at it for a few days. It just didn't grow on us. Then he painted a splotch of Mount Tam--the green-gray we used in our bathroom--and we both breathed a sigh of relief.

The red was simply too stress-inducing.

Then I went to the paint store and brought back about ten swatches. I found four of them that I liked--and quietly placed a dot on the back of the swatch. And then let the hubs pick the colors he liked.

We were in agreement, finally settling on a color called, Beaver Pelt, a lovely deep brown.

Again, hubs made crown molding for the ceiling.


I actually loved this pattern as I imagined the 'leaf men' dancing . . . no, I'm not intoxicated. Can't you see them? Wearing their little green crowns??


Again, I will state that it's very tight quarters. We opted to keep the gold fixtures, which looks really nice with this brown. If you notice the light fixture in the before picture was a verdigrises--greened 'copper'. Well, there's all sorts of spray paint to fix that problem. We picked up a 'hammered' gold paint and painted the light fixture.
I think it turned out great. 
Hubs will be painting the rest of the house, but we are simply repainting and not doing anything spectacular. So don't worry that I'll be posting remodeling pics all the time.
Later, Peeps!