Showing posts with label story ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story ideas. Show all posts


Writing 101 -- Story Ideas

Many times people will ask authors where they get their story ideas. Sometimes authors will lie about it--shoot, that’s WHAT we do, people! We write fiction. In fact, there’s a book out there called, Telling Lies for Fun and Profit by Lawrence Block. Good book, pick it up.

Writers get ideas from everywhere. Many times we play the ‘what if’ game. While other times we cannibalize our ideas from stories that didn’t work out. As I mentioned before, GNOME came to life a few years after I finished a story called, The Leprechaun Connection. I wondered how the main character became who she was. In other words, what was her back-story (back-story is all the piddly stuff that the author needs to know about the character, but should never put into a book)? How did she become who she was as an adult? All of a sudden, everything clicked into place, and I had the story that I wanted to write. This happened years after the original story was written.

As I’ve mentioned before, manuscripts 1-4 are happily, firmly entrenched on my hard drive, but that doesn’t mean I won’t steal scenes or characters from my learning curve books. I will. I haven’t come close to cannibalizing all the good stuff I had written in Leprechaun Connection.

1) But if you wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea, jot it down.  Though that particular idea of mine from eight years ago was seriously crazed, I still have it in a file on my computer.

2) If you happen to be driving, but come to a stop because of a car wreck due to wet pavement. All you can do is sit there and stare at a rainbow. And you get an idea that leprechauns aren’t all nice and friendly like Lucky on Lucky Charms--jot it down.

3) If you’re at work waiting for a particular process to finish its thing, and you get an idea about star-crossed lovers as they reincarnate over the centuries only to fail time and time again--jot it down.

I could go on and on. And yes, these are some of the few ideas that I’ve had over the years.  #1 is still sitting on my computer. #2 I wrote, but couldn’t sell, so I’m cannibalizing it. #3 I started writing down the different centuries and situations, but felt that the story is too much for me, since I’d have to do some serious research about numerous eras and I’m not ready to go there.

I have many stories that are simply plot ideas and one written page, while other stories are halfway written when I stopped. Sometimes it’s because the idea isn’t fleshed out enough. Sometimes it’s because I’m not at a place where I’m ready to write that type of story. Other times it is because I’m writing the WRONG story.

About four years ago, I started a story called, The Gargoyle Connection and stopped. I was trying to make it a romance and it wasn’t working. In the summer of 2011, I came up with an idea that had four interconnected stories. The gargoyle was part of this series. But in a totally different manner. The only thing that remained the same was that the eventual hero of the story is a cursed gargoyle. This story is part of the Mystic Elements series called, Gargoyle’s Hidden Fire.

Let’s say you came up with a great idea about an über-rich girl who goes to Harvard and is handed everything on a silver platter. She’s smart. She’s pretty. She’s rich. Where is her growth? She already has everything. Heck, she’s just another societal leech like the Kardashian clan--famous for being famous . . . and shoes . . . and big butts, but that’s another story.

But, what if by accident, she discovers that her loving father is really a mob boss, a terrorist, or a drug kingpin? All the perks/things/prestige that money has been bringing her has been bought with ‘dirty money’? What she falls in love with a guy who is secretly working undercover for the DEA, FBI, or NSA, trying to catch her father? What if she’s torn between family and doing the right thing? There’s your conflict. How can she possible love a man who betrays her? (This could be both the father AND the boyfriend, considering both of them have been keeping secrets).

Just remember, NOT every story idea is gold.

And an idea is just that, an idea. A dime a dozen. A starting point.

An idea doesn’t have a plot, characterization, conflict, etc. All it is is an idea. Period. It’s up to you, the writer to have a story to tell.

So, what are you waiting for? Start writing those ideas down!


Hidden Under the Bed

I was procrastinating the other day and started to look through a file on my computer that I had labelled, UNDER THE BED. This folder had numerous folders that contained finished manuscripts, story ideas, and beginnings. Many times I'll just write a short beginning to get the idea down and then abandon it for whatever reason.

I wrote this one in September 2008, and I simply labeled it as Nanobot story:


Death would have been the easy way out.

But, of course, I wouldn’t be allowed to take the easy way out.  Nope, I had to wake up in hell and rejoin the living.

Life sucked. 

I hazed in and out of consciousness for an undetermined amount of time.  Surfacing and sinking, only to be forced to surface once more--the never ending cycle of drowning, except I wasn’t allowed to suck in water to complete my death. 

Euphoria and lack of pain soon led to body aches I never thought possible.  Hell, even my throat hurt.  Originally, I thought it was because I had been screaming in my nightmares, but I soon learned it was due to the tube they jammed down my throat and taped to my face.  I was alive, but only due to modern technology.  A machine pumped oxygen in and out of my lungs filling them with air, forcing me to live. 

I was aware of hazy entities that came in and checked various tubes jammed into places that shouldn’t have tubes jammed in them, or to type on the computer near my head, or to jab something into my IV tubing. 

The next time I awoke, it was different.  Instead of floating around in vague awareness, I was awake, sort of.  Voices murmured from across the room—both male, one of which was really pissed off.  So, of course, I tried my damnedest to eavesdrop, which was damn hard to do with the oxygen hissing in my ear and the freakin’ monitors beeping.

“Dammit, Doc!  It’s been six months already.  When the hell is she waking up?”

He was answered by a low murmur.  Damn doctors, always were worrying about the patient confidentiality issue.  It was just me they were talking about. . .

Shit.  What happened?

My memories were sketchy at best.  But I did remember the grinding and moaning of steel as it tore and crunched from the impact.  A car wreck.  And I’ve been in the hospital for six months?  What happened to Dan and Elena?

Oh.  My.  God.  I knew without a doubt they were dead.  My life, my reason to live—gone.  Grief ran through me.  If there had been any fluid in my body, I would have cried.  Alarms started going off next to my bed as my emotions spiked my blood pressure and heart rate.

A nurse stepped up to my bedside, flipping switches to reset the monitors, as she spoke nonsense in a soothing monotone voice.  She pulled a syringe out of her pocket and injected the intravenous port in my hand.  Lethargy shot through my veins as the drug took over.

I like this woman, I thought as I dropped out of consciousness.

So what do you all think?


NaPiBoWriWee--What the Heck is That?

Unless you live under a rock or don't have Internet every writer knows November is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. So what the heck is NaPiBoWriWee? (Boy, I'm cutting and pasting that word from now on! It's hard with all those capitals.)

NaPiBoWriWee is Paula Yoo's answer to NaNoWriMo, National Picture Book Writing Week. I found her blog through Alice's CWIM blog. See I'm doing research when I blog hop. :-) Hey, It's my blog, I can lie if I want to. So Paula's challenge is to write seven picture books in seven days.

I thought, "Why not?" and signed up. When I told hubster he had a different reaction, and wondered why I would want to add stress to my life.

Uh, stress? What freaking stress? I don't have no stinkin' stress! The only stress in my life is if my kiddo will somehow goof off, or faint, during her First Communion this Sunday. And I don't see that happening. Or we run out of food when we have family over for brunch afterwards. Okay, that's possible, but unlikely as we tend to have more food around than anyone I know!

So I have to write 7 picture books with a word count anywhere from 50-2000 words per book, and I have to have them finished by May 7th. And I only have two titles, translate that to two ideas and they aren't really formulated yet. Yeah, I've got a lot of thinking to do. HALP!

Okay-dokey. This weekend is out--uh, see above, daughter's First Communion and then family brunch (18 people) on Sunday, which means, shopping and prepping the food and cleaning house on Saturday, plus taking the kiddo to cooking class at the Savory Chef followed by a soccer game (that we have to stay and watch--another 1 1/2 hours lost, including driving time) provided the rain lets up enough so the kids aren't playing mud soccer. Whew! How do you like THAT sentence?!

Uh, I gotta go brainstorm in the shower. . . and during my workout. . . and during the walk to school. Argh! Blank page staring at me . . . Going nutso . . .

Write on!