Showing posts with label sabotage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sabotage. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Sabotage!

It happens to all of us at one time or another.
We tend to blame our spouse, our kids, society, or whomever, but do you know who is really responsible for weight loss sabotage?
You are.
Sorry, Peeps, but this isn't a "Poor little boo-boo did that mean so-and-so make you eat that custard from Andy's? Or eat that Big Mac meal, or the entire bag of kettle cooked potato chips, or whatever?" blog.
Blame the person responsible.
I'm so sick and tired of people not taking responsibility for their actions. It's in the news all the time, the least you can do is take responsibility for your own weight.
The only exception is if someone is force feeding you like a goose.
Grow up. Grow a backbone. Get real.
Quit whining about how everyone is working against you.
Only YOU can set yourself up for failure. Only YOU can allow others to influence your choices.
Are YOU really that weak-willed?
Something to think about.
Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- Sabotage!

We hear it all the time.

So-and-so sabotaged my weight loss efforts by ________ (fill in the blank with name).


You're going to blame someone else for making you eat that _________ (fill in the blank with food item).

It's time to get real here. Unless you happen to be a duck or goose living on a foie gras farm, no one is force feeding you anything.

It all comes down to you sabotaging your weight loss efforts, but wanting to play the blame game.

Yes, I'm still fighting this last two pounds over my Goal Weight. I have to say these surges of cold weather aren't helping any. Who wants to walk in the cold, wind, and rain? Yes, I did yesterday, and today, I'm paying the price.

Who wants to grill in 30 degree weather? Yes, I know people do, but really??
Cold weather inspires comfort food. And comfort food tends to be in the form of something warm, calorie heavy and fattening.

Anyway, I wondered what happened? What triggered this downward spiral that resulted in my weight gain? Discovering this trigger wasn't going to make it UN-happen, but it might prevent me from falling into this abyss again.

It took me awhile, but it was a simple email conversation with a writer friend.

ME (elated): I don't know what's going on, but I'm still dropping weight!

HER (concerned): You might want to go to the doctor to see if something's wrong.

ME (now worried): Maybe I should . . .

And that, my friends, was the start. I wasn't getting dangerously thin. I wasn't even in the middle of the weight range for my height, but I allowed this comment to mess with my psyche. I began adding back flour, sugar, and fried stuffs into my diet, which in turn made me gain weight, plus it has the added addiction of the flour, sugar, and fried stuffs that I need to purge from my diet again.

All it took was one comment for me to trip and fall. It wasn't intentional sabotage. Just like a friend wanting to eat lunch with you and choosing the one restaurant you have no will power. Or the kidlet wanting to go to a fast food restaurant. Or the  . . . .

Whatever. You get my point.

Who is really the one person that sabotaged you?

You are.

We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Now that I know what triggered this downward spiral, I can focus on my goals.

Yes, I have to cut many, many things from my diet.

Yes, it will be difficult to go through the sugar withdrawal again, but I have a goal in mind.

I have focus . . . now, to find the will power.

Later, Peeps!


I. Am. Clueless.

Are you one of those people who can watch a TV show and figure out who dun it before the first commercial break?

Can you read a book and figure out the the story set-up before you hit the end of the first act?

Can you tell what people are talking about across a mall simply through their body language?

I can't.

I. Am. Clueless.

Do you think I'm one of those people who plot and plan just to get back at someone?

If you do, then boy have I pulled the wool over your eyes. Heck, I can barely hold my own in a Tic-Tac-Toe game, much less trying to figure out intricate chess moves. I'd be the first one voted off Survivor. Either that or the strong players would want to take me to the end because they can't imagine someone being so obtuse.

I am as you see me, flaws and all.

I am brutally honest.
--though I try to temper my honesty with compassion. Sometimes I fail. I'm human. Sometimes I get angry and vent. But once I vent, I'm done. It doesn't last long. And it isn't loud. The veritable tempest in a teacup.

I don't like emotional conflict and tend to avoid it at all costs -- which explains my writing issues.

I don't hold grudges -- Who does the grudge effect? YOU. Not the person who you hold a grudge against.

Don't give me the silent treatment if I make you mad. It won't work. It isn't because I'm that strong of a personality. Oh, no. It's because I'm that OBTUSE. I won't even realize it. I'll think you aren't feeling good, or whatever. Trust me, this has happened in the past.

And I'm loyal to a fault. I will always stay loyal to someone until I've been screwed over so many times that I finally cut my losses.

I have a wide circle of people who I would call close acquaintances, but not friends.

I don't have a huge circle of friends. And my bestie is my hubby, not another female friend.

BUT I will say this:  If I call you my friend, I want you to know that would take a bullet for you.

And yes, some of you reading this will know who you are, while others will have no clue that I feel this way.

I may be thoughtless in my comments at times. Or imprudent in what I write. But just realize, there is no hidden agenda. I'm not trying to sabotage anyone.

I am simply clueless.

I am what I am.

I say what I mean, so take what I say at face value. There is no hidden meaning. If you don't like it, then you can remove yourself from my sphere.

Later, Peeps!