Showing posts with label rock bubbler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock bubbler. Show all posts


Time for a little Bubbler

Another week has come and gone with barely a blog in betwixt.

Last week we finally had the plaster crew here to plaster the pool.

It is done!


The pool was drained. Holes were drilled in it to keep it from 'floating' out of the ground. Plaster was chipped around the tile and fixtures. And acid was used to wash it down and etch the old plaster, which would make the new plaster adhere to the surface.

There's about three weeks of daily maintenance--brushing, mainly--to bring the chemicals into balance and harden the nice white plaster. I don't think you would want to swim in it quite yet since the pH isn't close to bleach level, but it wouldn't be pleasant.

And because we don't have enough water in the backyard with the pool . . .

And the pond. 

(notice the fresh mulch everywhere?? We bought about 100 bags of cedar mulch for all the garden beds)

The hubby wanted to add a rock bubbler. 

In fact, the hubs has been pestering me for a bubbler for years now. A few weeks ago we picked out the rock. It's a really fun rock with lots of holes in it. I think it's called Cathedral rock. Anyway, he purchased a plastic tub and pump, and proceeded to dig up my roses to place the rock in the garden bed to the side of the pool. 

On an aside, I'd like to plant a Venus Flytrap in the big hole on the left. If one can't survive the heat of the rock, even though it will be getting plenty of water, I'll find something else fun to grow in the hole. Plus I need to find a couple other plants to put in the mulch on either side of the black rocks. I know I want a rosemary plant (I lost mine this last winter. It was a harsh winter!) and something else that won't be too tall. 

This picture is from a couple of years ago. The sundial and six roses around the dial have been moved and the bubbler rock has been installed. I had about five roses along the fence die this last winter, so it was no problem moving the minis to a new location. 

And this was how we spent our Easter weekend! 

Later, Peeps!