Showing posts with label photo frames.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo frames.. Show all posts


New Phones Lead to Dieting . . .

Trust me, I'll segue into the the topic in my usual roundabout way.

In November, we had to buy new phones for the house when we were finally able to move our number over to Vonage from the local carrier--long distance is no extra charge. Well, we were having issues with our phone, so it was cheaper to buy a new phone, than to fix the old phone.

--Actually, that's how I got a new 11-cup food processor. I needed a new bowl--the latching hinge was broken--new bowl-- $90, new food processor $110. Yep, I got the new food processor for Christmas.
--My hubster (who never reads my blog, except for today) feels strongly that it should be noted that I REQUESTED the aforementioned food processor for Christmas.
There--satisfied now? Hmmm?

Back to phones. If you haven't gone phone shopping recently you'll soon discover that they don't have 'wall phones' any more, at least not in the type of phone we needed.
I have a phone on my desk in the kitchen--like I need any more crap on my small desk--but I do like the fact that I don't have to get up only to discover some nimrod ignored our 'do not call' instructions. Now, I can simply ignore it or hit Talk and then hang up. :-)

So we have new phones, BUT we also have a postcard size cover on a major wall in our living area where the wall phone used to reside. EVERYONE who comes into my house will see this thing in the wall. It's in the living area, next to my kitchen and you have to walk by it everytime you go anywhere on the lower level.

Hubster's response to this problem: buy photo frames for Christmas. Three of them.

He had set up digital photo frames for two lobbies at work. Actually, six large photo frames and subsequent technology needed, were less than 25% of the budgeted monies for frames and decorations. He works for a small company and they take pride in their 'family-oriented' outlook.

Anyhoo, he bought the frames. Now he has to go through our pictures, cropping, turning, and deleting. I think we got our first digital camera about the time the kidlet was born. Earlier pics will have to be scanned in and fixed. We've had fun looking at the old pictures, but it has brought home how out of shape we've let ourselves become.

Okay, I'm out of shape. He's just had snow thrown on his hair.

I'm always reminded of the quote by Edna Mode in THE IMPOSSIBLES when she sees Mr. Incredible for the first time in years as he's waiting to be let in at the guard gate. "My God, you've gotten fat!" she says in her German accent. Yeah, that's me.

Both of us are working out. I've just started measuring my portions and writing it all down in a food diary. I like the idea of giving myself a year to lose the weight. I'd like to lose 40 pounds, but any loss is better than none.

So that's how photo frames became the reason for my dieting.

After I workout today I'll . . . Write On!