Showing posts with label moths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moths. Show all posts


Green Monster!

It was cold this morning when I went on my daily walkies, 40 degrees with a frost on the ground. Fog lingered over the valleys and creek that I cross. Leaves have been changing, turning red, yellow and brown.

A flash a bright lime-green caught my eye. I veered off the path to investigate. This is what I saw.
Luna moth caterpillar
The picture doesn't do it justice. This sucker was as long as my middle finger--my finger is 3-inches long--and it was also seriously fat, at least 1/2-inch diameter.

I should have taken a picture, but I needed to keep up my brisk walk for two reasons:
1) It is seriously cold. My fingers didn't warm up until I was almost home.
2) Baking this last week was detrimental to my weight loss. I 'sampled' more cookies and treats than I should have. Oi!

I suspected that this was a Luna Moth caterpillar. That was the only flying thing that could have a caterpillars this size. Luna moths can be as long as 6-inches.
Luna moth
Beautiful, huh?

I just hope it survives.

I love my morning walks.

Later, peeps!