Showing posts with label mittens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mittens. Show all posts


Oh! The Hats People Wear!

All of us wear numerous hats throughout the day (mom, parent, chauffeur, tutor, laundress, chef, etc), but I'm talking hat hats here. When I go for my morning walk, I do NOT look like I stepped out of a Nike ad. Oh, no, I look like a . . . dare I say it? I look like a ragamuffin.

ragamuffin (n) (1581) a ragged often disreputable person.

I layer clothes to keep warm. And when the Oklahoma wind is blowing, it can get downright cold. So to that end, my wonderful daughter has allowed me to wear the pair of earmuffs Santa brought her for Christmas 2010.

front view
side view
Now these earmuffs have generated smiles and comments from people, but last week was the first time I was ever yelled at out of a car window. Why, you wonder?

Well, these earmuffs are pretty darn cute!

I'm not much of a hat wearer. I had to wear a hard hat every time I jumped my horse, and when you have uber-fine hair it isn't a pretty picture when you remove the aforementioned hard hat.

And yes, I do have a seriously cute hard hat. I can't wear it at a horse show, but I can wear it when I'm merely hacking a horse around. Who doesn't love Mickey Mouse??

Riding hard hat
Anyhoo, my kidlet also got a few other hats that I've contemplated taking away from her if/when she gets bored with them. I think I could be persuaded to wear them. The first is courtesy of Phineas and Ferb cartoons on Disney--Perry the Platypus, family pet and secret agent P.
Perry the Platypus
And the second hat--and mittens!--were bought in Banff Canada.
Yeti hat and mittens
So . . . do y'all have a favorite?