Showing posts with label laundry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laundry. Show all posts


I Need Lists!

I used to be a list person.

I'd write the things I needed to accomplish down and mark them off when I accomplished them. It held a very Zen quality to the accomplishment.

I think I need to start writing lists again.

Yesterday was one of those days. You know, the days where you feel like a gerbil running the wheel with a whole lot of nothing getting done.

And hubby wonders what I do all day--and no, it isn't reading, writing or eating bonbons!

I did write two things on the list and I accomplished them:

--call Girl Scout office to get medical release form for kidlet's summer camp
--call doctor's office to make appt for wellness visit for kidlet's THREE camps AND next year's school.

Then the gerbil wheeling started--

Separate and start laundry
Walk (1 hour)
Rotate laundry
fold first batch of clothes
make phone calls
Go to Leslie's pool supply--waited over 30 min for one clerk to check me out.
get car washed
go to grocery store--Reasors--I'm not as familiar with this store, so it involved walking up and down every aisle (1 hour)
fill car with gas--watched lunatics speed around gas station
Take groceries inside house and put up while inhaling lunch (1 PM)
Fill out survey for Leslie's Pool store
Rotate and fold rest of laundry (somewhere in there I managed to do three loads)
Iron shorts
Decide to clean inside of car--managed to clean only half of it--I should point out that the car is actually neat and tidy, just dusty and the windows have that film on them (I will finish this job today).
Pick kidlet up from school
combat driving on expressway results with bolt in tire
Drop kidlet off at home
drive to tire repair shop, just a mile or so away
Wait 45 minutes until tire bay opens up
Tire fixed.
Home in time to feed dog, feed kidlet and whip up banana smoothie for myself
backwash pool
take kidlet to swim practice
Walk (1 hour)
wait until kidlet is through swimming--think of ending for picture book
go home . . .inhale Jalapeno Cheetos hubby brought home--no I didn't need to eat them

I think that was it. I went to bed about 10 PM. I did wake up when the storms rolled through around 1 or 2 AM. And I didn't do two of the things I wanted to do:

--fill out the camp forms prior to Wellness visit
--write more on my picture book.

Today isn't going to be a whole lot better, especially since it's about thirty degrees colder!

Later, Peeps!