Over the last few months I've stopped reading numerous blogs.
In my defense, many of the blogs changed their focus--which lost my interest. I'm sorry, but as nice as it is for you to pimp your friend's books, it's low on my personal interest level. In other words, IT'S ME, NOT YOU that's causing our break-up.
Some of the blogs have run out of interesting information--repetition is the death of a story and a blog.
While other blogs, though interesting at first, lost their appeal--I guess I'm too mature for the content of nasty language and attitude.
And as much as I like CakeWrecks, just how many nasty looking cakes can one look at? I'll still check out their Sunday Sweets, but the blog isn't on my blogroll any more.
I'm not going to try to figure it out. What's the point? Blogs and blog readers are like marriages. Sometimes you grow old together, while other times you grow apart to the point of divorce.
I've known many of my friends who have joined or expanded, or changed the focus of their group blogs, grogs or glogs--whatever--and I've stopped reading the blog.
Because I have no idea when the people who I want to read will be posting their blog. If it's every other week, then forget it. Too much time has gone past and I don't care enough to keep checking back. Yes, I think there is such a thing as too big of a grog.
If it's the focus of the blog, then that's another beast. I have many friends who have sold recently, and they have friends who have sold, and so on and so forth. I know publishing houses have dropped the ball on publicity, but I don't want to read about someone's new book or read a review of a book that doesn't interest me.
IMO--the optimal grog would have assigned days for up to five members--more members dilutes the purpose of the blog. Less is okay, but stick with specific days of the week designated for new blog (M-W-F or T-Th-S).
--But I've never been invited to join a grog since I don't play well with others, so it's a mute point as to my opinion on the topic.
Will my observations change the way I do this blog?
Heck, no! Because I started this blog because I wanted to blog. If I have followers--woohoo! I have to admit that it is more fun when people feel compelled to comment and we start a conversation. But if I lose followers, well, it hasn't stopped me from talking to myself before, why would that change?
My blog will have stuff that interests me. Whether it's life's observations, or candy recipes, or a short story, or my opinion of grogs, then that's what I'll post.
Oh, speaking of which, here's a new contest from Writer's Digest. They have a picture posted and you have to write a story based on the picture. Cool, huh? I entered. If it finals--woohoo! If it doesn't--then y'all will get to read my short story.
On Friday, I cover how to FOLLOW a blog so you don't have to keep checking back to a blog to see if something new is posted!
Later, Peeps!