Showing posts with label eyeballing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyeballing. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Lazy Eye

*I'm putting a few of my books up for free through Amazon over the next ten days. If you have a Kindle or Kindle App, you can download them. Click on the cover to the right of the blog and it will take you to the US Kindle store. I don't remember which ones are free for what day, so you'll have to do a little clicking to find out! GNOME is free today, so click the picture on the right and download away!*
**Yes, it's available in foreign countries, but I don't have them linked on my front page.**

Today's topic, "Lazy Eye" is NOT about ophthalmology, where the doctor diagnoses one eye going wacky because the muscles aren't holding it in place, usually seen in children.

This is blog is about how we "think" we know amounts and sizes of food.

Those of us who have practiced measuring, weighing and portion control will eventually stop doing it because we know how much everything is. In other words, we start eyeballing the amount.

Eventually this gets us into trouble as our eye becomes lazy and the four ounces we had been eating soon creeps up to five or six ounces of food.

Which adds up to more food, more WW points, and eventually more pounds on our bodies.

So many people complain about the WW program that there is too much portion control management. That's true, but you could also follow their Simply Filling part of the program, but it limits you in your food choice.

The key to good weight loss, along with keeping it off, is portion control. And the only way you will be able to control your food when you eat out is to practice portion control at home.

Because if you think the servings you receive in a restaurant are one serving, then you have a little reality check coming your way.

Do your homework of measuring, and then weighing, the products you are eating at home, because when you eat out, you will have an educated eye about the foods you are served.

Later, Peeps!