Showing posts with label bunnies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bunnies. Show all posts


Rescue Hero

After the Saga of Goldie, one would think I was finished with the wild critters in my yard.

And you would be wrong.

It's not like I live out in the country. I don't. I live on the edge of the city where my backyard backs up to an elementary school. We bought the house new in 1996. The only thing this house had were two trees in the front yard (covenants rules) and a sodded backyard.

My hubby and I did, or paid someone to do, everything you see in these pictures.
We built the lower deck, the brick stairs (2), and brick walkway.

Hubs dug the hole for the pond, along with laying all the rock, twice.

I convinced him to make the side yard a garden bed, because the grass didn't grow very well. The plants are thriving.

Of course, we didn't build the pool or deck. Hubs wanted to build the fireplace, but that summer he didn't have the time. In hindsight, the yahoo who did build the fireplace took as long as it would have taken the hubby to build it on nights and weekends. 
But this blog isn't about my yard other than to show we seem to be a small wildlife sanctuary.

Two days ago, I posted these pictures on Facebook.
One . . .

Two . . . 

Three . . . 

Four . . . 

And five . . . 
Yesterday, I rescued one bunny from the pool skimmer. The poor little thing was still breathing, but tuckered out. I pulled him out of the skimmer and grabbed a dog towel to gently dry, and to see if I could get him to make a noise to verify that there wasn't water in his lungs.

Normally, I don't like to hear bunnies scream--it's heart wrenching--but I was glad to hear the bunny scream yesterday.

After about an hour, he was still shaky, but he jumped right after I took this picture.

We still have five baby bunnies in the side yard. Another one went venturing by my rose bushes along the fence and I worried that he would be another victim in the pool skimmer, so we chased him back to the side yard.

Hubby wants to take the bunnies and relocate them to one of the wilder park areas/green belts/hubby's brother's farm, but I'm not ready yet.

I take my job as a Rescue Hero very seriously.

Later, Peeps!