Showing posts with label bogus contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bogus contests. Show all posts


Contests, Bogus Contests, and Fun Links

A lot of stuff is going on in my head right now--no, the 'voices' aren't telling me to do bad things--it's more to the point of me  taking control of my career.  For the past mumble, mumble years, I have been trying to attract the interest of an agent or editor for my stories.

Uh, not much luck there. 

Though GNOME is out with two publishers one publisher (just got an 'R' last night) and one agent, I'm not holding my breath.  And reading numerous blogs by J.A. Konrath and Dean Wesley Smith, I decided to take a step toward self-publishing . . . a small step.  This week I'm going to be studying up on Smashwords and how to self-publish my short story, LOST LEPRECHAUN LOOT.  Now, I don't expect to make a lot of money, but I didn't set out writing to make a lot of money--the side effect would be nice, but I'm realistic here (Okay, it would be nice to make enough to pay for vacation.  See, I'm not asking for much!).  I want to share my stories with youngsters who enjoy being transported to another place, to a place where gnomes, faeries, and dragons exist. 

The only way that I can accomplish that is to do it on my own.  Publishing is changing.  And if writers let publishers and agents call the shots, we are giving our power away.  I'm tired of giving my power to another's whim and bias.  There are numerous writers who self-pub too soon.  I feel that my writing is ready, my stories are ready, and most of all, I AM READY. 


Secret Agent contest:  There's a VERY narrow window of time to enter this contest.  READ the rules and don't enter unless you have a finished story!

Writer's Digest monthly contest.  Deadline Feb. 10

NPR 3 minute short story contest.  Deadline Jan 23

A link to a list of contests:  *WARNING* Do you own research.  Be wary of PAYING to enter a contest.

Bogus contest:  *WARNING* This contest will take your money and all rights to your story, see #13

Fun links:

Liturature map:  put the name of your favorite author in the blank and click enter.  The site will 'discover' new authors that are similar to your interests.

Gender Genie:  Ever wonder if you write like a girl or a guy.  Or are you writing in  a male character's POV and wonder if you 'nailed' the guy voice?  Check this link out.

Thousands of Names: Sometimes it's hard to come up with a name for your character's.  Try this link.

Dr. Wicked write or Die:  (desktop editon button on right)  Having a hard time focusing and just writing?  Depending how evil you make it, this site will start deleting your words if you don't write fast enough!