Showing posts with label allergies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allergies. Show all posts


Fall Break -- What did you do?

Last week, it was Fall Break.

It seemed like it was a week too early this year and the concept totally messed with my head.
--Plus it doesn't help that the night time temps are staying in the 70's! It's just too hot for Fall Break!

First it was Parent/Teacher conferences on Wednesday, but they never stated that the kids would be out of school, since it really wasn't the start of "fall break".

Yeah, what they didn't want were for parents to take their kids out of school for a long vacation and miss the two days of school!

In fact, the high school was still in classes on Wednesday.

How do I know this?

Because I attended parent/teacher conferences, doncha know!

My kidlet is doing quite well in school, but she always seems to enjoy school. She's making A's--though she had to work up from a B in one class. The teachers all said that she's happy, asks good questions and is a good worker.

So basically, parent/teacher conferences simply stroked my back that the hubs and I were doing a pretty good job with her!

On Thursday, we took a day trip to Silver Dollar City and met up with some friends and their two kids. The best perk was when we found out the local schools didn't have fall break and there were virtually no lines on all the rides! Fun was had by all! We drove home before dark and managed to get to bed at a normal time.

On Friday, my kidlet went with other 6th grade Girl Scouts to Robber's Cave State Park. Many of these girls went with their troops, but my daughter is troopless. I discovered there is a name for Girl Scouts without a troop--Juliette--in honor of the founder. She had a blast and wants the family to visit the park in the summer.

After dropping the kidlet off at the Girl Scout bus, Hubs and I went to Oktoberfest. Beer, food, the Chicken dance, and fun was had by all!

Oktoberfest is a tradition in this house . . . we met there 22 years ago. ;-)

Again, we called it an early evening and left the party about 8:30. Two pitchers of Warsteiner Premium beire and we were tapped out! I don't think I could last until 11:30 when they get the firehoses out to wash down the tents!

On Saturday, Hubs waxed his baby--a shiny red Corvette--and washed the dog--a seriously stinky Old English Sheepdog, while I did loads of laundry.

On Sunday, we hung out, had a big breakfast before cleaning the house. The stinky kidlet was picked up and hosed off . . . er, she took a shower, and I did another couple loads of laundry.

Hopefully, I'll be on track this week with my blogs, but I'm feeling an Autumnal Ennui hitting. Usually my allergies make me sluggish and tired, hopefully it won't last long this year.

Later, Peeps!


You are so NOT entitled!

Yep, I'm posting on a Tuesday. Normally, I don't do Tuesdays, but it's my blog and I can do anything I want.

Which means my post would offend the seriously stupid people who think they are entitled to dictate whether or not I wear a scented lotion or perfume.


But they don't read my blog, so I get to vent without hurting anyone's widdle feelings.

RWA 2011 conference is just around the corner. Though I'm not an active member, I do lurk. And every stinking year there are people who gritch and moan about various scents and perfumes causing issues.

On an aside: when I mentioned it to hubby, he looked at me in amazement (he's an IT guy and goes to a lot of IT conferences, etc. and yes, dudes wear cologne, aftershave, body wash, etc.). He asked me if I was kidding. I wasn't. He couldn't believe the pettiness of women--neither can I.


Geez--get yourself allergy tested. Why should other people be responsible for your well-being?? Get a grip and quit thinking you are special. This is right up there with suing McDonald's for making you fat. YOU MADE YOURSELF FAT. No one shoved Big Mac's down your throat, you did!

If scents send you into wheezing and asthma attacks, then it's what makes up those scents that you are allergic to. Be responsible. Find out what they are and start taking shots to get your body to quit being so sensitized to the random odors.

I'm allergic to cats. Seriously allergic. I'd start wheezing and then my lungs would seize up into  a full blown asthma attack. I still can't be around long haired cats--Kato had short hair.

And if you read this blog, then you'll know I had my kitty for 21 YEARS!

How did I survive for 21 years?

1) by being around my kitty, I developed an IMMUNITY to his dander.  Yeah, radical concept, huh? Trust me the first month was NOT pleasant, but he was a cute little ball of fuzz.

2) I was allergy tested and started taking shots to desensitize me from cat dander, plus all the grasses that I'm allergic to.

It's your body, your lungs, your allergy issues don't try to pin your problems on the poor sap who happened to sit next to you at the conference or who was standing next to you on the subway.

You are not entitled to tell me what I can and can't wear.

Grow up and take responsibility for your own problems.

Rant for the day is done!

Have an awesome Tuesday, Peeps!