Showing posts with label a million words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a million words. Show all posts


Writing 101 -- Pithy thoughts

Sorry, all, but I don't have a new writing blog to post. I started working on Hooks, but life got in the way. I hope to have it finished next week.

So, I'm here to put a few pithy writerly thoughts down.

1) You have to write a million words of crap before writing gold.
--I'm going to have to say this one is very true, at least for me and 85% of the writers out there. Oh, there are those writers who manage to have it all in one fell swoop, but most of us struggle for years before we understand how to tell a story.

2) Sometimes being grammatically correct can suck the life out of a story.
--I'm sure Ms. Marilyn will have something to say about this one, but I say yes, it can. I've judged so many contest entries that are beautifully grammatically written, but they lack life and character. Give yourself permission to write the character as they should be written and during your edits fix the character IF IT IS APPROPRIATE TO THE STORY.

3) Anyone can learn to write.
--*Shh-yah . . . I'm doing writing, aren't I? Trust me, you can learn grammar, punctuation, structure, GMC (goal, motivation, conflict), etc. You just need the DESIRE to learn and many people aren't up to the challenge. Yes, it is work, but it's rewarding work.

4) Write what you know.
--This one gets a big goose egg from me. NO. I used to work in  hospital laboratory. Uhm, I don't think anyone would want to read about that. Now, I might be able to add the right 'flavor' to a vampire novel, but writing about a Med. Tech.? I don't think so. Instead, I'm a big fan about writing what you are passionate about. That passion will shine through any writing. Sometimes writers start out writing in the genre that they love to read. I did. I just couldn't write the romance genre well, but it gave me a wonderful grounding in the basics of writing. I know that I have judged contest entries that are riddled with errors, BUT the author has a wonderful voice and style. Yes, I have to count down on the errors, but I always gush about the voice.

And that's all I have time for today!

Later, Peeps!


A Million Words

Recently I've thought about the million word mark. When would I reach it? Did it really weave its magic spell and validate me as a writer? Will I sell after writing a million words?

I probably already surpassed the 1M mark, but who really counts? No, it won't validate me as a writer. I could write 1 M words of crap and it wouldn't make me a better writer. And no, there is no guarantee that I'll ever sell, before or after hitting that milestone.

The million word concept has some points though, and unless you are as stubborn as a shoe nailed to the floor, it will improve your writing. How could it not? Provided you do some of the hard work that goes along with reaching that milestone.

So what does THAT mean?

The hard work involves reading about craft, learning what a plot is, writing believable dialogue, crafting multi-dimensional characters, providing the beats of the story in a solid structure, researching the genre (yes, there are reader expectations to consider--i.e. don't call a story a 'romance' if you kill off the hero or heroine. It might be a love story, but it ain't a romance), etc.

It isn't just writing the story in your mind. It's writing a story that sucks the reader into your make-believe world.

Writing a million words without learning the craft will not do a darn thing to improve you as a writer.

Writing a million non-fiction words don't count toward the 1 M fiction words--they are simply too different of a beast.

Some writers sell on their first 100K words, while others may need to write 2-3 million before they get it {personally, I think I'm in this second group}.

As a writer, the only thing you can do is . . .

Write on! :-)