--:a system or set of terms or symbols esp. in a particular science, discipline, or art.
Definition #3a in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition.
Okay, MY spelling of nomenclature is slightly different, though it is pronounced the same way. :-)
This week I hope to get revved up on my MOGG edits, my gnome story. I revised eleven pathetic pages last week, but I have to do better this week. I must get a firmer foothold into my new world, which means research.
Not just any research, but fantastical research. I need to study gnomes and their behavior. *sigh* I know I can make up stuff, but I want my gnome to follow the 'gnorm' for gnomes. Why? Because it's my world and that's the way I see it.
I HATE reading stories with fantasy characters that are too human without a good reason. I'm currently reading an anthology of novellas involving fairies--human-sized fairies who fall in love with humans. I'm not buying into the concept. I think it is because the novellas are too short to pull me into the new world as it tells me the story. I have a pre-conceived notion about fairies, and these authors haven't done their job to make me think any differently.
I finished reading Nancy Haddock's Last Vampire Standing (LOVED IT!) last week. Her vampire is slightly different, but it was because of her back-story that explains how and why she can walk at sunset and survive without drinking blood while she was imprisoned. The Blade movies did a good job of this. Blade is a day-walker vamp because he's half-blood, but also receives injections of 'something' that prevents his cells from exploding in the sunlight. This allows the viewer to believe in the possibility.
If a writer does his/her job, the reader is sucked into the new world and believes.
This is my goal for MOGG. And I intend to do it well.
Write on!