Showing posts with label Mother's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's day. Show all posts


Post Mom's Day Lagniappe

I hope every mom out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. Yes, this includes the moms to furbabies, too.

I have to admit that I was seriously spoiled this last weekend, starting with Friday night. Well, I did make the parts of the pizza (dough and sauce), but the hubs put it together for a Meatsa-meatsa type of pizza! We watched Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It was actually more interesting than I expected. The historical facts kept this story grounded and Abe could wield a mean axe! After the movie we headed to the hot tub with a bottle of my hub's homemade bubbly.

It was very relaxing, especially since my left shoulder has been giving me fits lately.

On Saturday while I went on my walk, the hubs and kidlet started cleaning the house. It was very nice not to have to help, but I did feel a little out of sorts during this process. I managed to do a couple loads of laundry to waylay my guilt. Then we went out to do a little plant shopping. First stop was Lowes as we needed a few other items to repair the grill and toilet. As we were wandering around in the garden area, the sky opened up and we had a huge 10 minute deluge of rain.

Yes, we got wet.

Then we went to Southwoods Garden center. I had purchased a couple of flats of annuals, but I didn't have near enough flowers for the pots on the porch along with the front garden beds. While we were shopping there--the skies opened up and we were deluged again for about five minutes. Then the sun came out. By this time it was late afternoon, and we had reservations at my favorite steakhouse, Flemings, for 6:15, which meant once we got the plants home, we needed to get cleaned up for dinner.

After a wonderful steak dinner . . . I don't remember what we did later in the evening. This might have something to do with the bottle of wine consumed during dinner . . .

Ah, Sunday, Mother's Day. Mother's day started off with banana pancakes and prezzies!. My kidlet made me a homemade doodad, and hubs bought me a set of Temp-Tations bakeware. I had seen an infomercial and wanted this product--they are purty and cobalt blue to accent my kitchen. Love. love. love.

Now to try out some of the recipes when we are actually able to spend dinners together as a family!

We took it easy in the morning and headed to my brother's house after we delivered my Sea Salt Caramels to my MIL--the hubs had gone to his Mom's house to fix her rock bubbler on Saturday and he's planning to help her drain her small pond and clean it for her. I had a box for my mom and an extra one for my bro's wife as a hostess gift . . . FYI: she doesn't plan to share them. A nice meal and nice company, but we had to skedaddle to take care of some yard chores . . . yes, I pretty much just watched hubs mow the lawn, trim the bushes, plant four flats of verbena, etc. We finished in time to catch Survivor--we had DVR'd enough to watch it commercial-free for about 1.5 hours!

All in all, Mom's day was wonderful. This year we weren't able to go to Silver Dollar City like we have in the past--yes, I've become a rollercoaster fiend!--but it was worth it.

I hope y'all remembered your mom this year.

Later, Peeps!


New Name, Old Format

Okay, I had planned to have a new blog and new addy, with a whole new look.  But difficulties arose. 
The voting was a horse race between GOBLIN GIBBERISH, A GNOME KNOWS, and the write-in GNOME DE PLUME.  Numerous voters changed their votes (from which title your guess was as good as mine!) and I had numerous Facebook comments about the title instead of blog comments. So GNOME DE PLUME was chosen. Heck, it's my blog and I liked it the best, :-) plus my first middle grade story involves a gnome, Rory Leafhopper. 
BUT I did change the header to the winning blog title.  *see, see* though I was unable to change the address since the abandoned blog from 2004 was still in existance. AARRGGHH!

So what happened?

--I forgot it was Mother's Day weekend . . . AND I'M A MOM!

Saturday, we went to a premier-type showing of Iron Man 2--Loved it!  Then we chainsawed down a tree--let me qualify that--my BIL chainsawed and my hubster helped, while I dragged limbs and stuff to the trailer.  I did a little more garden clean up, but then we went to a tree nursery (Rutherford's in Catoosa) about 20 miles away.  We buy all our trees from these guys.  The trees are nicely priced and shaped well, plus they plant the trees AND guarantee them!  Can't beat it.  The problem was the county is doing some serious roadwork (one lane traffic, bumper-to-bumper for MILES) and shut the off ramps for the road we needed to turn on--drive one extra mile, turn around to drive one mile back and then exit from the opposite side of the road. 

Gotta love progress!

Afterwards, we ate an early dinner and watched a stupid movie, Land of the Lost. 

Sunday was a lazy day--well, lazy for me, since the hubster cleaned house--until we realized that we needed to get something for my MIL--oops.  So we went shopping and visiting, and ate a late lunch--Ron's--the best greaseburgers in town!  Add Spanish cheese fries (fried jalapenos and onions, with pepper jack cheese) and I was a heart attack waiting to happen!  The hubster and kidlet are playing video games while I blog hop before I sit down to read.

Now before you think this was a lame Mother's day, it wasn't.  We had date night on Friday night with dinner at McGills--a very nice restaurant.  I had a Manhattan steak, medium rare, veg, and mashed potatoes, with a very nice Coppola Merlot.  We planned to skip dessert and hit the Cheesecake Factory for some take home, but one of hubster's biz contacts bought us dessert, Key lime pie and French silk pie.  Yum!  Uh, we rolled out of there and watched Zombieland--funny as hell, though I think it helped that I had a buzz going. Rule #4 *double tap!* 

And no, the kidlet was on an overnight so we didn't even have to spring for a sitter!

Hubster was planning to make Chicken piccata for din-din Sunday night, but I think we'll put it off until  Monday night.  If I ate anything else, I'd probably blow.

Hm, methinks I need to add exercise to my daily writing.  I'll start tomorrow after I get my 3000 words in.  Until later . . .

Write on!