Showing posts with label MYOB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYOB. Show all posts


Drama Queens!

Have you ever noticed that some people have tons of drama in their lives?

Financial, social, familial, or whatever, there is aways something going on. And a day doesn't go by where some sort of trauma-drama isn't going on . . . and anyone around usually gets to hear about it. And I'm not talking teen drama, they're angsty enough on their own, I'm talking about my peers, women around my own age (45-55 years old).

Are you one of those people? Or are you the wallflower simply listening to the drama, wondering how it happens that your life is steady and boring? Or are you one of those people I call a catalyst, and stir up emotions just because you want to watch the fireworks?

In case you couldn't figure it out, I belong to the 'B' for boring group. Drama happens to other people, not me. I'm the person they used to come to crying their eyes out about something. Though it doesn't happen very often any more. I'd hazard a guess it's because I'm less tolerant than I used to be in my younger days. Provide a little 'tough love' and the drama queens run and hide. They want someone to listen to their woes, agree that they were in the right and the other person is a scumbag. They don't want you to tell them to get a grip and put their big girl panties on, and face their problems with their chins up.

As a writer what do you do when drama happens around you? Do you sit back and listen, gathering tidbits for some story? Or do you slink away, hating any type of confrontation? Or do you wonder why other people are drama queens and you just cruise along MYOB?

Just curious, though not terminally curious like my writer friend Susan. Chime in.

Write on!