It's about one of nature's predators.
I snapped this picture through our back door while squatting low to the ground and at an impossible angle. The blurriness could be due to my lack of camera abilities or the dog slobber on the glass (believe it or not, I clean this door 2X weekly. Maggie just slobbers a lot!).
This is a Cooper's Hawk on my neighbor's tree. Just to the left at the bottom just out of sight of the photo shot is a bird feeder.
Cooper's Hawks feed on small birds, usually song birds. I don't think my neighbor had this in mind when she put up the feeder.
But I can imagine the hawk thinking, "Smorgasbord!"
This happened when our koi were smaller. The pond is small and two-and-a-half feet deep, perfect for a Great Blue Heron to visit the pond. Luckily, it only got away with two fish before we placed netting over it.
Nature is waking up in Oklahoma . . . and it's hungry!
Later, Peeps!