Showing posts with label 50K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50K. Show all posts


And So, It Begins . . .

NaNo, that is.

If you want to be my buddy, I'm magolla.

National Novel Writing Month, AKA NaNo, starts today, November 1, and participants have until the end of the month to write a 50,000 word novel.  It's a good challenge as it forces a writer to actually sit and write, cranking out the words without the internal editor challenging every sentence. 

The only problem is that 50K isn't really a novel-length novel.  It works for middle grade and young adult, but it's too short for most genres and too long to call it a novella.  But turning out a publishable product isn't the goal of NaNo, finishing a novel is.

There's a thing called editing, which involves fleshing out the subplots, the characters, and the entire storyline, while tweaking sentences and words.  But that's what multiple drafts are all about.

This is my first year to 'officially' do NaNo.  I know I can write 50K in 19 days, because I did it this last May when I wrote TROLL.  But this time I have to write DEMON.  I'm debating about entering RWA's Golden Heart and they want their money by 11/15, but you have to turn in a completed manuscript by 12/1.  I'll see how the next week or two progresses and take it from there.

Which means I might be flaky with my blog posts.  I'll try to post my stats as I write, but that's all I can promise. 

NaNo is a HUGE challenge for me because this month is my daughter's birthday, we have company coming for Thanksgiving, plus all the Thanksgiving cooking.  I'll have to go on Farmville and CafeWorld sabbatical, I guess.

Until later, Write on!