
Weight Loss is HARD

Losing weight is hard.

I won't lie.

And as we age it is harder to get the weight off due to a more sedentary lifestyle, menopause (men and women) and loss of calorie-burning muscle mass.

Add to the fact that humans ache for instant gratification of instant weight loss.

It's so easy to put it on, why shouldn't it come off as quickly?

This has always been the case, and as much as we want to blame it on the Internet we really can't. You can go back in time to the bizarre exercise equipment of the past, or the amphetamine craze of the 70's, or even the Romans with their vomitoriums.

Why do you think women wore corsets?

To enhance their attributes (tiny waist, pushing boobs up and out, and enhancing hips for child-bearing), along with the side effect of improved posture (I dare you to try to slouch while wearing a corset!) and a teeny-tiny appetite, "She eats like a bird, barely taking a bite."

No wonder women fainted so much. It wasn't due to their 'delicate' constitutions, but a too tight corset!

Back on topic.

Weight loss is hard.

Weight loss as an older (read: middle aged) is harder.

But I know I'll feel better when I lose the weight. I know I'll be more active. I'll be more flexible. And I'll have more energy over all.

While I will have some not so good eating days, my goal is to have more good eating days in the long run.

Until later. Have a great Weighty Wednesday!


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