
November is Over--Yay!

Wow, what a month!

I'm so glad that November is over! Its such a busy month and I always manage to get a bee up my butt to try and do NaNo . . . which I failed miserably at!

But there were a few successes:

  • my daughter is now a beautiful teenager
  • I saw Catching Fire with a bunch of giggling teens and survived. The movie was better than the first one, mainly because the 'world' was already defined
  • Ate more cake than any person should eat
  • My nephew and I managed to make FIVE desserts for Thanksgiving...see previous blog for the Cappuccino Torte recipe.
  • The work on our house is almost finished. Two weeks of banging, pounding and sawing as now changed to the hiss of the exterior paint being applied, with the exception of the area around electrical box. The local Public Service guys have to take the box down and then replace it to inspect it for safety.
  • Hubs managed to 'Q-tip' our HUGE crepe myrtles. We do it this time of year since we lost one many, many years ago to an ice storm. It's just easier to clean up.
  • Even though we burned the majority of branches--outdoor fireplace, yanno--we still managed to fill over seven large bags of green waste.
  • The Christmas tree is up, though there isn't anything on it. It's up and ready for lights.
  • We managed to get all the Christmas boxes from the crawl space. And, every year, I'm amazed that we can manage to cram so much stuff in that tiny area--we are nothing else, if not efficient!
  • The carboy filled with wine is finally OFF my kitchen counter! The bottles have been filled and corked.
Christmas will seem to come earlier this year since Thanksgiving was so late. We don't participate in the Black Friday madness, but we do utilize the Cyber Monday deals.

And though I will be cutting back on the amount of chocolate candy I'll be making, it doesn't mean that I won't make it. In fact, I just placed a new order for 20 lbs of chocolate--even my supplier is having a special on chocolate!

Today is errands, grocery shopping and put up Christmas stuff day. While tomorrow will be a few errands, I hope to organize my candy efforts and start on a few of them.

I need to work on my new stories. I think the way to do that is to set a number of words to write each day. Once I have a concrete goal, I'll manage to do it, but no goal = no result.

Maybe if I'm efficient with my errands, and there aren't very many crowds, I can sit down and immerse myself into one of the stories.

Here's hoping!

Later, Peeps!

And remember, there are only 23 more shopping days until Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I just haven't been able to get into the Christmas decorating spirit when it's 80 outside.
    I won't breathe well until after January.


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