
Fall Break

Today's the first day of Fall Break.

It seems to come earlier every year, doesn't it?

Yesterday was the end of the first quarter of school. Though my kidlet isn't getting any grades, I did have a parent-teacher conference with all her teachers.

Of course, she is a joy to have in class! She's attentive, works hard, respectful, and hungry for 'A's. None of the teachers had anything negative to say.

YAY! That's my girl!

We don't have any plans to do much of anything this weekend, except finish the backsplash in my kitchen. Half of it is grouted, and we need to figure out how to clean the grout from the quartz pieces.
Oh, we did all the stuff you are supposed to do when you grout, but there still is a bit of dulling in the pieces. I did look online and found that you can use 50% vinegar to help remove the it.

We'll try it tonight. And sometime next week, I'll blog and post pictures of the process.

Today we have some clothes shopping to do after I take my mom to the beauty shop, and tonight we'll be putting on our chicken hats and doing the chicken dance at Oktoberfest.

Beer, bratwurst, pretzels and hot sugared nuts. What more could I ask for?

Maybe I'll get my writing act together and work on DRAGON while the family plays video games in the other room.

Later, Peeps!

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