
Weighty Wednesday -- Walking the Walk

Did you ever hear the saying, "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"

For the last two months I've been talking a good game, but I haven't had my heart in it. Now, I'm finally walking the walk.

Sunday night I weighed in at a whopping 140 pounds--8 pounds OVER my goal weight. True, it was at night after foraging all day, but it was the wake-up call I needed.

Monday morning I went cold turkey--no sugar or flour products. I have been focusing on fruits, veggies {raw and cooked--asparagus (YUM)}, fat free dairy products, and  . . . yes, bacon. Sorry, but I had to have a few crispy pieces of sodium nitrite-ladened yumminess of BACON!

I know with Weight Watchers you can eat whatever you want. This is true. But I need the focused discipline of no flour or sugar products to flush them out of my system and rid myself of cravings. This isn't a one day process, but instead will be a long term one.

Except coffee. I must have some sort of sweetener in my coffee. That stuff is just nasty to drink black. Uck! I usually use some of the 'pink' packaged stuff. Yes, it's probably the worst stuff out there, but I like it in my coffee. *lifts cup of coffee and takes a sip*

And how has it gone in two days?

Pretty darn well. This morning--actually 20 minutes ago--I weighed myself and I came in at 133.8 pounds! Which is technically within my plus two pound padding.

The problem is that I weighed in too late for me to keep my FREE WW lifetime membership . . . unless I make my goal weight of 132 again. There is no +2 pound wiggle room if you don't weigh in every month, and I messed up.

My goal is to be at goal by the time my Tuesday morning meeting rolls around. Since they don't let me weigh buck nekkied, like I did in the bathroom this morning, I'll probably have to drop to 130 pounds to account for clothes.

I want to state that I'm making it sound easy to stop eating flour and sugar products.

It isn't.

I went to the store yesterday to buy fat free cottage cheese, and came very close to picking up a Prima Pepperoni deep dish UNO's pizza from the Target deli section--conveniently placed next to the fruits and veggies! I also had to walk past the endcap of summer yumminess of Birthday Cake flavored Oreos, Mega stuffed Oreos, and assorted M & M's.

But I did.

None of that stuff made it into my cart. It was hard, but will power won out.

Then there was last night after swim practice--yes, I walked for almost an hour. My second walk of the day.  I did come home and poured myself a glass of a nice Shiraz--hubby's wine, and seriously craved pretzel crisps, I mean, seriously. It took an incredible amount of will power not to crack that bag open.

I've been told that I do have decent will power when I want to exercise it. If you can't NOT eat something, then you find a way to hide it, or remove it from your presence until you get a handle on the cravings.

The same goes for eating out. If you have a problem eating too many tortilla chips at a Mexican restaurant, forgo eating Mexican until you can get a handle on it. When I was pregnant, we stopped eating at all our favorite restaurants for a month. Why? Because I had gotten into the habit of ordering an alcoholic drink at those particular places.

I did what I had to do. You can do this, too!

Later, Peeps!


  1. Gluten's a bummer, isn't it? We just discovered My Fit Food down on Cherry Street -- prepared dishes with all the nutrition info that you can eat there or take out. About 90% of their menu is gluten-free, so I'm in heaven.

  2. It's tough because it's in almost everything, Marilyn! I'll get back to adding it to my diet when I get back to below my goal weight.

    I did find Nsoya Shirataki spaghetti in the refrigerated veggie section of Reasor's. 20 calories 4 grams of carb for 1/2 package--it has potato starch, konjac flour, and chickpea flour. I'll let your know how it tastes.

  3. I've seen that but haven't tasted it. Reasor's also has a couple of dried gluten free pastas that are made with corn flour and stuff that are pretty good. And I love Udi's GF white and wheat breads.

  4. I hope to try it soon, Marilyn! I did buy some of the corn flour pasta, but haven't made it yet. I need to figure out how to sneak it into the norm's food supply . . . .


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