
Computer Woes

The last couple of weeks, I've been having some computer issues--periodic reboots or hosing up with various programs. Luckily, I haven't been writing and it hasn't caused too much of a problem.

Well, on Friday, my computer died.

Dead, dead. Dead, as in never to reboot again kinda dead.

I told hubs . . . like he needs any more stress in his life . . . and on Saturday he dismantled my computer. Other than containing serious amounts of dust, it 'looked' fine. He removed the hard drive and he tried to run it without the hard drive. Dead. He tried to run it without all the other added 'stuff'. Dead.

Diagnosis: Mother board.

Now, hubs found a cheap MB on eBay and ordered it. We'll see if this is really the problem when it arrives. If the computer is still dead, then I'll have a new computer sooner than Christmas. If this takes care of the problem, I might get a new computer at Christmas.

Either way it's a win-win situation for me!

Later, Peeps!


  1. I hate having to get a new computer. I still don't have everything from the old one switched over to the new one, and it's been a couple months. Good luck!

  2. I'm with Marilyn. I hate moving all my crap from the old to the new computer!

    Good luck.

  3. You are lucky to have a talented hubster. I hate having any THING not function correctly.

  4. Marilyn, Cyndi & Meg:

    Thanks for the sympathy, but you have to remember that "I" don't have to transfer nuthin'. I got an IT geek to do it for me. :-)

    I guess I could look at my lack of writing as a blessing then. I do have to rejudge a couple of contest entries, but that's better than rewriting 10 K words.

  5. My computer crashed two weeks ago while I was visiting my family in Margate, Florida. I needed a reliable company to fix my PC and fix it fast. My cousin recommended Data Ninja services and they were, without a doubt, a life saver. Thanks to Data Ninja Services, my PC was fixed in no time and is running like new. Check them out at www.dataninjaservices.com or call Mike at (954) 801-3300.

  6. Thanks for the input, Sally, but you must have skipped over the part where my husband is an IT guy. He used to do this stuff for fun, now he tells people how to do it.


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