
Weighty Wednesday -- GOAL!!!!


No matter how you say it or color it, I DID IT!! 
Actually, I did more than meet my goal (132), I met my previous set goal (130) and then demolished it! I lost 4.4 pounds last week for a grand total of 48.4 pounds. My starting weight was 177.2 and yesterday's weigh in was 128.8 pounds!
I haven't weighed this since before I was married 20 years ago!
I don't think I need to say anything else, do I?
Later, Peeps!


  1. Woohoo!!! I'm so happy for you! That is so totally awesome! I know how hard you worked. :D Be very proud of yourself girlie!

  2. MAJOR kudos for a job well done!

    And you did it the right way...diet AND consistent exercise. Good for you.

  3. I carry around bags of feed that weigh 50 pounds, so I can appreciate how much lighter you must feel - physically and emotionally - to have shed that much weight! Go pick up a bag of feed and try to walk with it - it'll make you appreciate your hard work even more!

    Congratulations!!!! That's a whole half a person you've shed!
    Now, schedule that shopping trip....I'm sure nothing in your closet will fit you, it's a great reason to treat yourself!

  4. Thanks, Ash! I can definitely equate my weight-loss journey with the writer's journey!

    Thanks, Cyndi! This time I vowed NOT to use ANY products (WW brands/Lean Cuisine) because I knew I would STOP using them when I reached goal. I know how to manage my food in home AND out of the house.

    Thanks so much, Jods! I weigh about the same as I did in that picture you sent me--where I'm leaning against the car and you're sitting on the ground. Just bought a size 4 pair of shorts--they slid on so easily! Bras are more of an issue as I'm a 34D and there's excessive 'jowling' under the armpits! I can't wear Victoria's Secrets, but I can wear Lily of France (JCP).

  5. Wooo HOOOO!
    You've inspired me.
    So proud of you.

  6. And then again, I've managed to regain about half of the weight. ;-P But that has been my tendency over the last year when I had big losses, I'd regain part of it back.


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