
Kyte Webber's Facebook Page

Yesterday, I was feeling a mite low. I think my kidlet gave me a cold. *shakes fist* Those darn kids! All of them are bacteria-breeding machines!

Anyway, I was working on my TROLL edits and realized that my buddy, Kyte, needed to have a Facebook page. So I made one. She won't be linking this blog to her page or vice versa --unless she has some truly pithy comments about stuff. She will post random and totally unrelated thoughts, a la Kyte. I plan to put her brain dumps on there, but I won't actively try to get followers, er, except the first time.

Here's her page link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Kyte-Webber-the-Goblins-Apprentice/376474005701975

Here's an example of her status updates:

Crappy day at school--check. Nerd alert activated by sitting behind bus driver--check. Accident delays bus ride from school--check. Dense fog descends--*creepy* check. Hair stands up on neck--check. Ambush happens--check. Think it's my goblin mentor testing me, but instead it's a two-headed troll -- oh, fizznuts . . .
Like her if you want, or not. This is more for me to keep in character.

Later, Peeps!


  1. Thanks, Meg . . . I was feeling a little quirky.

  2. LIKE it? It's freakin' genius. Seriously!

  3. Erm, feel free to SHARE the page with anyone on your FB list, Jods. :-P


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