
Santa Letter

When we thought we had everything bought, wrapped and ready to go, our baby girl finally writes her Santa Letter and we discover a whole boatload of stuff she wants for Christmas.

My daughter is at the age where many of her classmates don't believe in Santa, and we suspect she really knows the score. But being a smart cookie and knowing that the only way she will get the additional Santa presents is to actually BELIEVE IN SANTA.

Thus the Santa Letter.

This year she is less influenced by commercials . . . up to a point.

Last year, we bought Fushigi ball and Mind Flex, only to have them sit in their boxes unplayed. BTW: anyone want to buy them?? I'd sell them on the cheap, but the shipping costs will kill you!

This year she asked for Squinkies, pillow pets, DVD's, etc, etc. She had been asking for a cell phone and a bike, but she didn't include them on the list . . . Hmm, Mama wonders if she knows something we don't know . . .

Anyhoo, I have two more days of relative quiet before the kiddo and hubby are off from work and school until Jan. 3rd.

I think I'll enjoy the quiet and finish reading Blood Rites by Jim Butcher. I've lost track of how many times that I've read this book, and each and every time I've thoroughly enjoyed it. There are so many elements in this story that are done right and I think it's one of his best in the Dresden Files series . . . maybe I should write a blog post about it.

Oh, and have you written your Santa Letter??

No, well, get to it!


  1. My Santa letter is always the same - I want to win the lottery!

  2. I don't write one, but if I did, travel to great dive sites. :-)

    I think it is great the kidlet still writes Santa letters.

  3. I don't write a Santa letter either, but I'd probably want kitchen stuff . . .


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