
Lost My Mind


Sorry for the late post, but I have been totally discombobulated (doncha love that word??) since coming home from Canada late last Wednesday. I'll try to get back on a regular schedule by the end of this week.

Here is my list of stuff:

--Pictures are downloaded on my computer waiting for me to have the time to blog

--Still haven't caught up with the laundry

--we had a nice soaking rain last night, which made walking today wonderful since most of the pollen had been washed out of the air.

--need to run lots of errands today, but many are closed due to it being Columbus day

--need to send the City of Tulsa a note to try to get a crosswalk painted across a residential street in Woodbine. The cars go too fast and the day care walks their kids across this street to the school. I did manage to cattle prod them into removing three dead evergreens that caused some serious visibility issues in this same location. If the KinderCare directer does her part and I do mine, then we might get some signs or a crosswalk painted. I'll keep using the words: children, accidents, hazards, etc.

--trying to nag cover artist. She sent me a cover for SUGAR PLUM DISASTER, and I HATED IT!! This was a first for me. I've never hated anything she's done, but this was a cut and paste disaster! it was very Chick-lit and NOT middle grade, nor did it have the same 'feel' as the rest of the book covers. I sent her some images and described in detail what I wanted to see. Hope the next version is better. I know she's seriously overwhelmed with a bunch of deadlines, but I hope I don't get lost in the mess.

--Amazon has now opened a French kindle store. YAY! But my stories are still in English, which will limit my ability to sell. My Sis-in-Law offered to translate (she's French, but lives and teaches here in town), but considering my sell-through in the states and the fact that I haven't even broke even yet, the odds are against me. I simply couldn't afford to pay her unless I could guarantee some sales. And even if you aren't knowledgeable about the book biz, you know that no one can guarantee this!

--I volunteered to help the 5th grade class on their field trip. it's to a local Junior Achievement place called Biz Town. The kids have 'jobs' and earn money and have to spend money for products. Well, today is the volunteer's orientation day. So, I'll be running late to my daughter's first swim meet.

--but first I'll have to take her to Girl Scouts. Of course, they are sending a care package to a soldier, but only notified the parents one day ago. . . A little more warning please! So I get to buy some junk food for the young man, while the Girl Scouts write notes to him. Plus they have fall products for sale. No we haven't bought anything yet. Yes, it's due today, but we were gone and couldn't walk around the neighborhood with her to sell stuff.

--Swim meet tonight is an intra-squad meet. She hasn't been timed in any of the strokes yet, so we have no idea how she'll place. So instead of swimming laps with the rest of the White and Blue team, they'll be competing against each other. This Saturday is her first REAL swim meet at Jenks.

--Oh, and this doesn't even count trying to edit TROLL or SUGAR PLUM DISASTER!

--And now, I need to go to hop in the shower before the I go weigh-in at Weight Watchers.

Let the chaos begin!!

Oh, yeah, I forgot a few things:
--judge the Emily contest--just got 5 entries
--finish putting together a presentation for RWI's Nov. meeting
--help kiddo with her pumpkin project, due on Friday
Later, Peeps!


  1. Sorry, Margaret, I think the chaos has already begun and already has a good head start on you. :)

  2. God Bless you. I'd have driven my car off a cliff by now if I were you.

    Remember, some of that chaos is within your control, so exercise your right to NOT do some of those things. There's always a choice.

  3. Thanks, Marilyn, this was just what I needed--NOT!! :-P

    It's actually worse than this, Jody. I forgot to add the 5 contest entries that I need to judge for the Emily, get a presentation ready for RWI's November meeting, AND 'help' with the kiddo's pumpkin assignment.


  4. It's under your control......so decide how much you really want to take on, and cut the rest out.

  5. Woosh! Makes me tired just reading this.
    I'm excited to hear about kidlet's swim meets.
    I'm still a sports mom at heart.

  6. Jods--I wrote a response last night, post-swim meet, but blogger actually ATE my response! So I gave up and went to bed. I think just writing the list down has helped me focus and organize--it's a Virgo thing, ya know. :-)

  7. Thanks, Meg! I was so proud of her! I posted a quick note on FB about how she did, but I think I'll give her a short blog today (Tuesday).

  8. Margie, I have another friend who is a Virgo and she is exactly like that as well. There IS something to this astrology stuff sometimes...

  9. Crud, I posted a comment, but it disappeared . . .

    Jody, did you realize that Rachel is a Scorpio just like you? :-)

    Oh. My. Heavens. What am I in for??!!


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