

reality show addict.

I didn't start out that way. I wasn't one of the first Survivor viewers. I didn't watch any of the reality MTV shows or the ones like Big Brother and Batchelor where the claim to fame is how much booze and canoodling they can do.

But a few have caught my interest.

The first one I started watching was the AMAZING RACE--love it!  I want to be on it, but hubster refuses to try.  He knows he would be doing a lot of yelling at me and doesn't see any reason to show that side to the world, though it wouls be interesting to see the world this way.
I'm really enjoying this season's, UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The last few teams are decent people and are playing honestly this time . . . well, there was that unsportsmanlike behavior from the Globetrotters . . . 
And yes, I want the cowboys to win, but they keep making mistakes. Update: Cowboys were sent home last night. They made so many mistakes on numerous legs and managed to bounce back. But this time, no such luck due to the U-turn, forcing them to complete the other challenge of the detour. :-(  If they don't win, I like Mallory and her dad.

I have been watching SURVIVOR for the last 5 years.
Rob IS the master manipulator and if they don't do something soon, he will get a much-deserved win.
The rest of his team are a bunch of sheep. Rob says jump, they respond, "off which cliff". Unless Grant organizes a coup, then NONE of them deserve the money. They are worse than the year Saundra (sp?) stole the win from Rupert.
Though if they manage to get Rob out of the way and Phil is in the finals then my money is on Phil.  And speaking of Phil--HE IS A TOTAL FROOT-LOOP and I hope they have plenty of security around. If during the reunion show and he claims he was 'playing a game', he's lying. Starvation, dehydration, and being around people you don't like and who don't like you, is stressful. His blow-ups are real, but he's smart enough to use them to manipulate the show. Plus he's one of the biggest hypocrites out there--stealing rice and then biotching about Steve not willing to let them put their contaminated rice in with the clean stuff. Pul-eeze! I wouldn't let him do it either and not because I was being a pain, but because I know about mold spores.  The rice may look clean, but it isn't. Adding it to the good rice simply contaminates the whole container.
I must add that the SURVIVOR powers-that-be are AWESOME for the way they change up the game!

AMERICAN IDOL has become far too Kumbaya for my taste. Don't get me wrong I like sweets, but this season makes my teeth hurt. I enjoyed the shows up until the top 10. Now, I'm bored. I don't care who wins and I've stopped watching. I think part of the problem is that they broadened the categories from which the contestants can pick songs--come on, giving them TEN YEARS WORTH OF TOP 40 HITS TO CHOOSE FROM?? Lauren and Scotty will always go with the country options, which is fine because that's their strengths. We get it. But force them to sing Hip-Hop and then we'll talk.

AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL--yeah, it's my secret fix. I like it. What can I say? I think it's because I like the challenges, make-up and clothing the models wear. I'm not a girly-girl, but this must satisfy some latent urge.

Speaking of clothing, I can't wait until PROJECT RUNWAY is on again!  Love it! And love Tim Gunn!

And last for today, DANCING WITH THE STARS has gotten boring, too. They need to shake it up some how. As much as I love Kirsti, she needed to go home this last week. If it wasn't her then it should have been Kendra, but they have too many 'fans'. I used to like that the judges had more input than it appears they do. Petra was an incredible dancer, but she was too nice and blended into the background.  Hmm . . . methinks the producers are manipulating things to keep the controversy up.

Another dancing fix that I can't wait to watch, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. Love the dancers, love the judges, love the amazing choreography!

That's my line-up of reality TV that I watch . . . and have stopped watching.  Sorry, time to go watch GHOST HUNTERS!

Later, Peeps!


  1. Big Survivor fan! and I adore Rob, but man, you are right about the cliff. I love monitoring Jeff Probst's tweets during the show. Phillip being a federal agent...I hope not. I hope our feds aren't that nuts!

    I watched one episode of The Amazing Race this year. It was okay. I quit this show the year I decided the producers had intervened in the outcome.

    I'm thinking I'll try The Voice on Tuesday.

    Don't watch any of the other reality shows.

  2. Rob really deserves the win, Cyndi. He's been manipulating everyone since the beginning. I've been catching his post blogs, but I think I need to catch is tweets.

    @Amazing Race, I think if you didn't invest in the characters from the previous seasons, you wouldn't really 'get' this time around.

  3. I'm watching American Idol. I think they have the best singers this year. If Lauren and Scotty sing country, that's fine by me. That's what they'll sing once they begin a career, so it makes sense. (Casey and Haley are my favs, though.)

    Yes, to Project Runway! My husband is hooked too. I actually looked it up over the weekend to see when it would be on next. They don't have it scheduled and were just accepting applicants from designers.

    I'll watch So You Think You Can Dance. I wasn't crazy about last year's. First, we missed Mary Murphy, and she's back this year. Second, I didn't like it that they paired the dancers with contestants from previous seasons. I hope they stop that this year.

    I've been watching America's Top Models on reruns. Same with the Top Chef shows. I realize that for the most part, my favorite reality shows have to do with a talent and being the best for that day. And, yes, even models. It's not all about looks.

  4. That genre of shows needs another title. They have NOTHING to do with reality. None of the situations on them can be remotely compared to reality.

    That being said, I do watch The Bachelor and have been known to tune in to America's Next Top Model.

    I am also still a fan of one of the original reality shows: COPS. Now, that one IS the real world. I always feel better about my life when I see those poor schmucks.

  5. I think unknown is what's missing from this year's Idols, Edie. I can tell the type of song/career each of the finalists will have--it's a given, but they aren't pushed out of their comfort zone enough to challenge themselves as singers.

    I miss Adam Lambert who switched up every song and make it his own.

  6. I hate the Batchelor, Jods. :-) Women are so nasty to each other on that show, and how is it possible to find 'love' in those circumstances.

    ATM is fun, but like any other show, they concentrate on the 'drama' instead of the good parts.

    I don't watch COPS, but have been known to watch court shows for hours.

  7. That's the allure of The Bachelor - the catfights. And I'm always amazed that ANYBODY thinks they can find 'true love' in such contrived circumstances. It's really a fascinating look in to humanity, IMO.

  8. Yes, another junkie. You have all my favs! As much as I want to be on AR, I'd end up killing someone.
    I want to be the challenge tester before filming for Survivor! They need older people, right???

    Phillip drives us insane. Doesn't look good on the other Johnny G-Men!

  9. So glad to find a kindred spirit, Meg!

    Yep, Phil had definately gone off the deep end!


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