
Jury Duty

This week, I've been called to Jury Duty (JD) . . . again. *sigh*

Most people get called once, twice, or sometimes not at all, but not me.  I think this is about the tenth time that I've been called since I was able to vote (yes, I'll say it, over 30 years).  One of my friends laughed and said, "No way" and thought I was exaggerating. 

Trust me, I'm not.

Along with the regular City/County turns that I've been 'privledged' to be on a month long call for Federal Jury Duty (FJD). 

Yep, been there, done that. Seriously.

FJD is fairly straight forward.  You get called for a month of duty.  On Fridays, you call a phone number and find out if you have to be in court on Monday.  I was called two out of four weeks.  At the time I worked night shift, 11-7, at a hospital, which meant I also worked weekends.  Try explaining that to your boss!  I vividly remember those two cases: 1) racial discrimination, and 2) oral contract.  But that doesn't tell you about the mind-numbing evidence I had to listed to BEFORE the jury decided each case.  Let's just say that I know more about how to make rebar than any normal person should!

It's been three years since I was on JD.  They tried to get me two years ago, but it was illegal to call a juror in back-to-back years.  And they always seem to call me in March, right around my kiddo's spring break. I've been called to sit on more cases than I can even remember, everything from contracts-to-insurance fraud-to murder. I've sat on them all.  And I don't expect this time to be any different.

All I can say is that $20 a day isn't good enough.  I'll blog on Wednesday what a day in the life of a juror is all about--BORING.  I'll have my phone, Kindle, paper books, and my netbook (though I have slim hopes of trying to write my leprechaun revenge story--as they never have enough electrical outlets)

Like I said before, I don't mind JD, but I think it's time to give another upstanding citizen the chance to sit and enjoy getting grilled by the prosecutor, defense lawyer, and judge--and don't think that they won't do that to a juror, they will.

Yeah--like I said before, been there, done that. 

Later, Peeps!


  1. Did you hack off someone with jury-duty computer access? I think you've been flagged. "Get her every time you can." LOL. Oh, well. Maybe you can put one of your characters in the courthouse to wreck some havoc.
    Good luck with the electrical outlets!

  2. I've never been called. (Shhhh. Don't let them know.)

  3. Just got home around 5:30. I'm documenting today's session for Wednesday's blog.

    One word: BORING

    Susan--they tried to call me back to back two years ago--they can't do that.

    Edie--I really think EVERYONE needs to do jury duty once. it has a dose of reality that TV shows never reproduce.

  4. I've been called but never answered. I guarantee that nobody would want me on their jury, so I think I'm doing the right thing by just saving everybody time finding that out!

  5. You might be surprised, Jods. I managed to get myself kicked off one jury yesterday because I thought many lawsuits were 'frivolous'. :-)

    AND remember, I couldn't get myself kicked off three years ago even though my niece worked as an Asst. DA in this county AND I was writing RS and told them I was familiar with appropriat police proceedure.

  6. $20? WE only get $6!
    I seldom make it to a jury. I have been cited for contempt--twice. Smart mouth arises when it shouldn't.

  7. I got called once back in South Carolina. I filled out the "sole proprietorship" form on the back of the letter, returned it and have never been called since.

    There's a case or two I wouldn't mind sitting on here. I couldn't get it -- I know the defendant -- but I'd sure love a shot at it.

  8. Why does this NOT surprise me, Meg??

    Marilyn--In Oklahoma, they don't use voting records--they use driver's licenses and state ID's. Two of the jurors were 19 years old.
    I offered up names for people who have never been called, but they wouldn't take them.


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