
Being Derailed

As a writer, I often wonder why I'm stopped cold on a project.  I've been stuck with this short story for about a month now and couldn't figure out why.  Oh, other stuff managed to get in the way, like getting GNOME launched, jury duty and, of course, vacation, but why did I stop writing it in the first place?

Most of the time it's because I've taken a wrong turn.  I hate that!  And this is ultimately what happened here.

When I opened my draft yesterday and read the 400 words I had written, I realized it was because I allowed someone to derail my thoughts on the story.  I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but it had the same silly effect--I STOPPED WRITING. 

I hate to admit it, but it's easy for me to become derailed.  Originally, it was due to critique partners and then contests, but it really comes down to my own insecurity as a writer.  And yes, I think I'll always wonder if I'm good enough.

But now it's time to pull on my big girl panties, open that document, delete the offending material and start writing.

I must remember to take my own advice: NEVER allow anyone to interfere with the process. 

All writers need to have a second (or third, fourth or fifth, etc) set of eyes to read their material, but only after you have cleaned it up and it's ready for another person to read. 

Later, Peeps!  With luck, I'll have another freebie written to give away in time for FAERIE's release.
--which reminds me that I need to edit that story again!


  1. Once I stop writing because my private life gets in the way, it's hard to start again. Maybe that's the problem. Though it would never happen to Annemarie or Dale. lol

  2. Usually, I plan my writing around my life, Edie. And that has worked well for me. This was different. Another writer made a suggestion about a story and instead of ignoring it, I tried to make it work when I knew deep in my gut it wouldn't work for me.


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