
Blog Stats

I glanced at my blog stats on Monday and had a huge shock.  Now, I don't usually have many page hits during a 24 hour period, 28-36 on a good day.  Imagine my jaw drop when I saw that I had 19 hits at 0300 on Sunday 2/20/11.  INCONCEIVABLE(name the movie) 

Smart-a$$ husband wondered what crazy people were up at 3 AM.  I gently pointed out that would be a 'normal' hour for our friends in the European/Eastern countries.  My blog isn't so detailed that I knew which entry was being perused, so I decided it was because of the Tomato Soup recipe I posted on Friday.

Therefore, I have declared Friday's as Foodie Day.  I need to write my recipes down for my daughter and this is the perfect excuse to get started on this project.

Hope you enjoy!
Oh, the movie?  THE PRINCESS BRIDE, of course!
Later, Peeps!


  1. My stat plug-in also shows search words. Did you see tomato soup?

    Maybe they were gnome lovers. A gnome cult. lol

  2. I looked at that, Edie,but it didn't list any of my key words for that day.
    I like the idea of typing the recipes for the blog, because then it forces me to write them out for my daughter. :-)

  3. Isn't that a nice surprise!
    I like Foodie Friday. I'm always on the hunt for new recipes.

  4. I have a bunch of recipes that I do from memory, Meg, which is why I need to write them down!
    AND I have a recipe ready to go on Friday.


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