
What is in a Name?

Names are very important to choose wisely when you are writing a story.


Because without the reader knowing anything about a character, they will draw conclusions simply by reading a name. 

I changed the name of my elf mage in DEMON.  1) the hero/heroine's names began with the same letter, 'D'. 2) the hero's name was kinda wussy, Darien.  Yeah, it worked when he was a secondary character in another story, but the name wasn't hero material.

I searched for a new name for my hero.  He's an elemental earth mage and studly, of course, since it is a romance.  I needed a name that commanded.  I think I came up with one: Ryker.  Last names work well as first names for heroes and I thought Lt. Riker was hot in the Voyager series, second only to Jean-Luc Pickard. 

My heroine's name is Danica.  I might have to change it.  She's supposed to be kick-ass, but Danica doesn't offer that image.  What other names are out there that inspire kick-ass heroines?  Mercy, Merit, Gin, Jax, Marlowe, etc.  I'm sure there are more, but the brain stopped functioning.

Here's the sitch:  I want a kewl heroine name and googling 'kick-ass heroine names' took me to the heroin hot line.  I don't think so. 

Got any names for me?  Websites I can wander around?  Anything??

Until then, I'll stick with Danica and Ryker.  But I'm open to suggestions.

Write on!


  1. As soon as I read "Danica," I thought of Danica Patrick, the race car driver. I think she's kick ass. And very attractive too.

    If that's too feminine, how about Dani?

    I like Ryker. It does sound like a hero's name.

  2. I'm happy with Ryker's name. When I changed his name, other stuff clicked into place.
    I think I'm going to keep Danica--Ryker is the only one who shortens her name and gets away with it PLUS it ties back to the traitor--I'm not telling how until I get it on paper. *maniacally rubs hands together*

  3. I'm going through the same process on choosing names, only for a WIP I shouldn't be focused on! LOL! But I so see what you're saying, give it time, they will come to you! But Ryker is pretty BA!

  4. I really think names play a greater role than many non-writerly-type people give them credit. You can't help, but draw some conclusions when reading a name.
    And, thanks, I really like Ryker, too.

  5. Hey Margaret, I found your site!

    I've always been fond of Rafe for a hero's name. Not particular reason why, I just love the sound of it.

  6. Hey, Lynn! Glad you found me! I like Rafe, too. It's one of my fave historical names, hmmm, I might have to see how it would work in my UF.

  7. Hm, I'm not particular about character names, though there are names I would never use (except maybe as a villain because I have a real problem with a person of that name). I can usually change names in a heartbeat.

    I think I'm fussier about other people's character names than my own. I hate to see contemporary names in historicals, and I hate when both h/h have unusual or weird or unisex names. I also hate when names are spelled funky. There's a paranormal series out there where they're all funky-weird, and it gets on my last nerve.

    That said, I like Danica, and I think Ryker is a better choice for Darien.

  8. Oh, God, and here I was worrying that you named a wicked witch, Margaret! :-)
    I'm happy with changing my character's names. I think it works for them--but my 'enhanced' Chinese crested (all 300 lbs of him) will lovingly remain Quinn.

  9. Then again, Buffy didn't sound like a vampire slayer, did she? Of course, that was supposed to be intentionally campy.

    I had/have a kick-ass Dungeons and Dragons character who is an elf assassin/thief. Her name is Kyte. You just can't go wrong with a single syllable word that ends in a hard consonant....

  10. I am SO stealing Kyte as a name, Jody! If you have any other names like that send me a note!

  11. Kyte has been my alter ego for decades. If you steal her name, do her proud!

  12. I'll certainly do my best, Jody! Of course, you will have to give me her character profile when the time comes. :-)

  13. You know, you can just take "Danica" and shorten it to something like "Nika" .... (I'd pronounce it Neeka, but that's up to you. Or her).

  14. I was thinking of having Ryker be the only one to use a shortened name for her--there's a reason for this, he does it for everyone, including the traitor {red herring alert!} Once I get my synopsis whipped into shape--I might send it to you, 1) it's less than 5 pages, 2) you don't know very much about the story, so you'll be reading it with a critical eye and will catch the confusing stuff. 3) I know you're swamped and I thought you might be able to squeeze in 5 pages. PWWEEEEZZZZEEE! {sorry, hard to do Roger Rabbit}

  15. Yes, I can do the five pages.....as long as they are not half-spaced in 2 point type. ;)


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