
The Quirk Flag

It is my greatest pleasure to have a guest blogger for today!  I 'met' Edie online at the original GIAM goals group.  She's a good friend who offers a shoulder to whine on or her foot to kick someone's sorry butt into gear.  I'm in awe of her trail-blazing ability by self-publishing this wonderful story called Cattitude through Smashwords.

Without further ado, Edie and Cattitude:


When I needed a beta reader for Cattitude, Margaret was the first person I asked. I had read the short stories she’d posted on her blog, and I connected with her writing. The stories were full of quirks, and I loved every single one. I also love her imagination and her plotting and characterization, but her quirky writing voice sealed the deal. I had the feeling she’d get my writing, too.

My stories are different from hers, but the quirks are the one thing we have in common. On Saturday I was at my chapter meeting and I was talking about becoming an indie writer. I said I had quirks and I wrote characters who had quirks. (People either had the “Duh” half-smiling look or they laughed, ‘cause they know me.) But there’s no Quirk subgenre, and though I had some really close brushes with New York print pubs, what I wrote just wasn’t fitting in.

That’s not to say there aren’t quirky books published in print. I’m reading one right now—“Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs by Molly Harper (which is really good). And you can’t tell me that Jennifer Crusie doesn’t have some quirk in her books. But Molly’s book fits into the vampire books. And Jennifer Crusie’s early single titles fit solidly into contemporary romance. But mine … well, my heroine is a house cat (although she thinks she’s the house queen) that changes into a woman. Belle’s not a shifter, though there’s a chance that she could change back if she can only find the woman in her cat body. So Cattitude doesn’t even fit into the shape-shifting genre.

For most of the book, my heroine is a woman with the attitude of a cat. Not many subgenres for that book. But when I had the plot summaries on my old website, Cattitude was the one that people would email me about, saying they wanted to read when it was published. So I knew there was a market for it.

My favorite TV characters are filled with quirks. All the characters in NCIS. Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson in The Closer. House. Mad Men. And look at the classic comedies. I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore Show, I Dream of Genie, Bewitched. Isn’t it the quirkiest characters that you enjoy the most? Don Knotts won five Emmys for his role as Barney Fife in The Andy Griffith Show.

I’m not alone. All those shows are wildly popular, which shows that a lot of people love quirk. So why not my quirky characters?

Going it Indie might take longer than if I had a publisher behind me, but I believe in myself, I believe in my books, and I will do it.

And it helps when you have friends like Margaret, who isn’t shy about unfurling her own quirk flag.

Who’s your favorite quirky character in fiction or TV?

Edie Ramer


  1. Congratulations, Edie!!

    I wish you the very best with Cattitude! I also write outside the box--so to speak.
    And I love quirks as I'm twisted myself.

    I love Brenda Lee--Kyra Sedwick. She played Grace, Julie Roberts sister in Something to Talk About. Great movie if you haven't seen it.
    I'm a Temperance Brennan fan.

  2. OOPs, Kyra's last name is Sedgwick, and she played Emma Rae. Julie Roberts played Grace.
    Knew I should have googled before I posted.
    Sorry. It's still a great movie with excellent characters.

  3. Hey Edie, I love quirky! You named several of my old time favs, and we still watch those shows today. Especially Andy Griffin...hubby's fav, mine too. And I loved Gillmore Girls...talk about quirk, loved it.

    Good luck with Cattitude too!

  4. Edie, I, for one, can't wait to read Cattitude. I write quirky characters, too. I think readers connect with them because they can see themselves in that role. My latest heroine eats fried Bologna sandwiches and Hostess Ho Hos. She could be me!

    The only characters I would add to your list might be - Dennis Leary in Rescue Me, Marshall Marshall in In Plain View, and Castle.

    And having read a little of Margaret's work, I predict we'll be reading her quirky characters soon, too.

  5. Twisted Sister, thanks! I'll check out your website.

    I did see Something To Talk About. A couple of times. Yes, I'm a huge Bones fan. There's another show where every person is quirky. Even the villains. Remember the show with the horse fetish? lol

  6. LaD, I forgot about Gilmore Girls! That title was the inspiration for my Galaxy Girls book. That and Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter, which also has quirky characters.

  7. Liz, I'm eager for your first casserole murders books to be released. And I just bought Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls yesterday, so I don't turn up my nose at any character or writer who eats Ho Hos.

    I haven't watched Rescue Me, but I'll give it a shot. I do like Marshall Marshall in In Plain Sight. And I really enjoy Castle.

  8. Margaret, I almost forget to thank you for having me as a guest. I really appreciate it. It's fun talking about quirky characters.

  9. I'm almost as excited as you are about Cattitude, Edie! Well, not quite as excited since you were the one to give birth to it!

    The story kept me reading until the very end . . . and that's hard to do. In fact, I have three books sitting on my desk that I started weeks ago, but couldn't get past pg 50.

    Cattitude is a fun read! Go buy it!

  10. Margaret, thanks so much! And if you're looking for a great book with quirky characters, I think you'll love Molly Harper's books. My CP, who normally prefers dark UF, loved it and told me I'd love it too.

  11. Margaret and Edie, so nice to visit! Edie, I've loved the quirk of your books from the start.

    I still love the Eva Wylie books. Talk about a character with quirk. I can't look at a banana without remembering Eva Wylie saying "I believe in bananas." LOL.

  12. Michelle, you know I love your writing, too!

    I'm going to try Monkey Wrench again. I tried it once and maybe I was too busy, but I couldn't get through it. But you keep mentioning Eva's character, and any book that makes a character stick so firmly in your mind must be great.

  13. CATTITUDE !!

    Great title and I'm certain it's a great story! Congratulations on following your dream and making it a reality.


  14. Angi, thanks! It was the easiest title I've thought of. And one that I never thought of changing.

  15. Looking forward to reading Cattitude. In fact when I get my Nook, it will be the first (well second behind my own books) that I plan on downloading. LOL.

    Congrats on the release. Keep us posted on how its going

  16. Liz, thanks! Of course I'll keep you posted. I tell you and Michelle everything first. lol

  17. Quirky characters? One of my faves was Mr. Wilson on Home Improvement--you remember, we only ever saw the top half of his face over the fence?

    Best wishes on Cattitude. I just bought it from SmashWords last night. You're officially on my TBR pile--and I can't wait!

  18. Amy, a big SMOOCH! Yes, I remember Mr. Wilson. Most everyone on that show was quirky too.

  19. I left a comment yesterday but I either left it in the wrong place, or it never showed up!

    Just wanted to say I PROUDLY let my quirk flag fly and am excited to see you following your own path - I fully intend to self-publish myself, as most of what I write doesn't fit into a particular genre, either.

    But then, I never was one for labels. That's what's wrong with a lot of the world anyway - too many labels.

    I hope you enjoy great success and I'll look forward to reading your book, Edie!

    WOW- the 'word verification' I had to type in to publish this comment is "edier". Your first name and initial! No kidding.

  20. Jody, yay for quirk flags! How funny about the captcha.

    If you need advice when you publish, I'll be happy to share what I know.

  21. Edie, I like Brenda's character, too. Don't enjoy Monk. I liked Flo of "kiss my grits" fame.

    Can't wait to see what you've done with Cattitude!

  22. Mary, I remember Flo, but no one else in the show. I guess that tells us that quirky people are memorable.


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