
Excitement Abounds!


Sorry, had to get that out of my system.  I said I'd be working on my synopsis, but I lied.  The few days before school are weird.  Lots of stuff to do to get ready for school, plus the poor little peanut needs to watch as much TV as possible since it will have to tide the li'l darlin' over until the weekend.  Yeah, one day of school.  For some bizarre reason, they're starting school on Friday.  I guess it's because they know nothing will get done, except for settling into the new schedule and school will 'really' start on Monday.

Yesterday afternoon, the class postings were up on the school doors.  My kidlet wants Mrs. E 'the hard teacher'. LOVE IT!  When she was in the 1st & 2nd grade, the school did 'looping', where they kept the same teacher and classmates for two years. Anyhoo, she had a very nice teacher, Mrs. S.  Problem was Mrs. S. was a pushover, plus shared a little too much personal info with the kids (son in car wreck, mom with Alzheimer's).  Last year, she had Mrs. H.  I *heart* Mrs. H.  She didn't put up with any guff.    My daughter LOVED her, partly because she kept the class under control and my kidlet could hear what was being taught.  Plus her daughter is one of my kidlet's friends, and Mrs. H coached basketball.

So instead of writing my synopses (DEMON & FAERIE), I'm judging a romance contest--I have 5 packets.  The entries are long (@ 50 pgs + 5pg synopsis).  Last year, judging was hideous because the judge had to comment on every aspect (characterization, opening, dialogue, hero, heroine, blah, blah, blah) of the entry with a traditional scoresheet.  This year only ratings are given, 1-9 and scored to 0.1 of a point like RWA's Golden Heart Contest.  The only difference is the judge can comment on the submission unlike the GH.  What stopped us from reading?  What is weak?  Good points?  Everything that you can't say on the GH, which gives the entrant some idea as to her scores (hopefully).

I'm so looking forward to Friday!  The quiet will be wonderful!  Plus I need to get my syopsis together for my beta readers to read to see if it makes sense.

Write on!


  1. I really think all the bars in town need to have a big party for PARENTS to celebrate 'back to school!' I can't tell you how many of my friends who are parents are counting the seconds until their kids are OUT of the house and on a regular school schedule again!

  2. Ain't that the truth, Jody! Love my lil' darlin', but enough!

    Took my mom and the kidlet to lunch at Cracker Barrel today, they have a 'general' store as you enter the restaurant. I bought the kidlet a Webkinz, okay two, and bought myself hours of peace and quiet while she logs the doggies onto their website. :-)

  3. I actually stopped at a Cracker Barrel in Nashville and got myself a "Music City Rocks" tee shirt!

  4. I had their chicken pot pie. Very good, would have been heavenly if they left out the nasty green peppers--phat!

  5. Too funny what Jody said about the big party. Your daughter sounds like a great kid.

    I think I judged that same contest last year. This year I didn't bite. I have 3 books to read for other writers.

  6. I really do have a great kid, but being around ANYONE will drive me crazy in a short period of time.


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