
Pet Peeve Fridays-Beginnings or Endings

For Whom the Bell Trolls: 48,645 words.  I'll hit my goal of 50 K today, but I have a feeling I'll need to write more than that to 'finish' this middle grade story.  

I always thought beginnings were the toughest part of the story.  I know I waste a lot of paper just getting into the character and what's happening, but this story was different.  I already know the characters and the location.  Oh, trust me, I still wasted a lot of paper, but it isn't necessarily in the beginning of the story. 

This story is the third in a series that I haven't managed to sell story #1, but that's okay.  I like the stories and the characters and I'll still write it even if it never sells. 


Because it's fun. I'm having the same adventure my protagonist Rhee is having.  I love pitting her against various obstacles and seeing how she comes out in the end. 

This story is different than the other two because of the twists I discovered along the way.  I wanted to kill a particular character, but when the time came, I knew he could do more damage to Rhee by betraying her trust . . . and kidnapping her mother who is her last remaining family.

The problem I'm having right now is finding the particular motivation to make this work.  I'm powering through this story because school is out on Tuesday and I want to have a rough draft to edit over the summer.

So today's pet peeve is Endings.  How to tie up the loose strings, rescue the mom, kill the evil troll, and get everyone back home with the minimum of damage. 

But then again, maybe I need a good hook for the next story in the series.  Maybe I need to leave one string untied.  One part of the puzzle unresolved.

Hm, something to think about, but until later. . .

Write on!


  1. It sounds like you've definitely found your happy place in writing. You'll figure out what to do. Go, you!

  2. Thanks, Edie! I'm there! I know what I have to do and I'm trying to pound it out!

  3. Tying up the ending is so satisfying but frustrating when you want to get it just right!

  4. That's the truth, Lydia! I had to power through a scene and then I was stuck. I knew how I wanted to get to the end, but it's the transitional scenes that are the boogers!

    I'm a couple thousand words shy of THE END, and I'm going to have to leave more loose ends than I planned, but it's all good--now I have stuff for the next book!

    --now I need to get someone interested in buying it!

  5. All life's strings don't necessarily tie in the end.I think it's fine to leave a few things open for interpretation.

  6. I think if I tried tying up all my strings, Jpdy,then this would be a tome like Harry Potter #4!

    But it's nice to know the loose ends can be story #4: It Trolls for Thee! :-)


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