
Pet Peeve Friday!

Parents who live their lives through their children.

Piggy-backing my Monday post here. I started wondering why some parents are so passionate about their kids playing certain sports. Honestly, I don't think it has solely to do with the parent wanting the child to do well. Part of it, yes, but I think a large portion of that misdirected passion has to do with that parents failing to succeed in their own life.

How many dad's that failed at sports in their early careers push their kids to excel even if the child doesn't really enjoy the sport?

How many parents rip their kid up one side and down the other because they didn't XY or Z {insert word} when they came off the field, or hunter course, or court?

I've seen it and I'm sure you have too.

This is for 'those' parents. Get a life! Don't live your shattered dreams through your kid. Let him live his/her own dreams.

If you want to play basketball, soccer, bungee jump, ride a horse, or whatever, what's stopping you??

Only YOU! So get off your butt and do something about it!

Write on!


  1. Lately I feel like I'm living my life through my pets. They won't leave me alone. Whimper.

    Margaret, I need help. I think I've become their slave.

  2. Hehehehe. . . they trained you well, Edie! :-)
    My geriatric cat lives on top of the dryer in the laundry room. He's happy there. It's toasty warm and he has a fluffy bed, food, water and his litter box, BUT if I want to write and leave the door open. . . well, I don't get to write.
    Good luck with the retraining!


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