
Pet Peeve Friday!

Today's pet peeve centers around those people who simply stop responding.
--And I'm not talking agents and editors, people!

Actually, I had a HUGE rant prepared and I have since deleted it.

If you've been too busy to think about someone you haven't heard from in forever--give them a call, drop them a line, and reconnect.

Open the door--and who knows, they might step through it. And if they don't, you've tried.

And if all else fails--Send them nekkid kitties!

Something to think about.

Write on!


  1. OMGOSH! I want one of those cats! Then I could have it in the house.

    I can understand your pet peeve, Margaret. Sometimes I'm the one who calls but that doesn't bother me as I have some people in my life that call or email me. FB has changed connecting.

  2. Poor kitties. Now I'm wondering if someone shaved them or if they were born hairless.

    My younger brother and I hadn't talked for months, so I called him last weekend. We had a good talk.

  3. WOW Them are some ugly cats!

    I want to read the ORIGINAL rant. :)

  4. Some people that you lose contact with you want to lose contact with. Just saying. lol

    Understand your pain, M.

    Those cats are just scary looking. I would be afraid to pet them.

  5. I think they're darling, too, Meg! BUT though they are hypoallergenic they tend to have oilier skin and need baths. I keep my house cool, so I'd be forced to dress them in widdle sweaters!

  6. They're born that way, Edie! I love their bat ears. I just sent my sis a quick email to see how she's doing--very busy, working extra hours to make ends meet. I think that's becoming far more typical than not.

  7. Sorry, Cyndi, rant is totally gone since I write on the blog instead of cut and paste. It was a pathetic, self-pitying tirade that was better left unsaid.

  8. LOL, Ash! True, about two years ago I got in touch with my old college roomie after twenty years. She asked how I was doing and I wrote back that I was dancing nekkid in the backyard under a full moon around a cauldron.
    --uh, never heard back from her.
    :-) Which goes to show, she STILL doesn't have a sense of humor!

  9. Hmm. How odd. People are usually HAPPY when I stop responding. :)

  10. Jody? Hmm . . . *taps chin with finger* Who is this Jody of whom you speak of??

    Ya know, J, if I mentioned the dancing nekkid under the light of the moon comment to you, you probably would have responded with, "Can I come over?" :-)

  11. Yes, and I would have brought my video camera.

  12. Ya know, J, that does not surprise me! :-)

  13. That's because you would do exactly the same thing.

  14. You get one of nekkid kittens, Meg, your other critters won't know what it is!

    Margaret, I am the worst about keeping in touch with people. I've got a few dozen emails in my inbox that I've been meaning to answer for a long time. Maybe I'll pick one out and do it.

  15. Good for you, Marilyn! Pick an email and get it touch.

    Sorry, but I wuv those kitties--they look like widdle aliens. :-)


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