
Pet Peeve Friday!

I wondered what my pet peeve would be this week.

Would it be the overzealous meteorologists who seemed on a power trip by spreading the horrible news of an ice storm--a week before it would hit?

Would it be the lousy restaurant service, as in NEVER came back to the table, we got at a Chili's recently?

But when I read through the comments on Jessica Faust's Bookend's blog Thursday {actually, it was MY question. I sent it to her before the holidays last December! :-)}, the choice was made for me.

I decided to gripe about comment trolls.

You know who I mean. Those disgruntled, and 99%, Anonymous commenters who,
1) change the topic so they could blow hard,
2) anonymously put their own perverted agenda on the list
3) are those drama queen CATALYSTS who are obnoxious just to get controversy started.
4) and all the trolls seem to be 100% negative about what ever topic they are hijacking.
--May karma bite deep in their arse!

It's sad, but I think those commenters are the same ones who spam agents with their queries because they KNOW their work is great and every agent on earth is a moron because they won't represent them, so they query them with multiple email addys daily. It ticks me off, because it makes it harder for the rest of us.

--Speaking of which, if all agents are morons why would they want one as an agent? Something to think about.

It's sad really. So many agents who have given of their time and expertise have had to drop their blogs, go to moderated comments (leaving less time to read our queries), or stop providing publishing information to the writing public.

So, if you see a troll--cut their Achilles tendon, then they fall and go boom!

Write on!


  1. That was a good question you asked Jessica Faust. Interesting answer of hers.

  2. Thanks, Edie! I'm with Karin in her philosphy of publishing, the more you know the more knowledgeable position you're in when you get a contract.

  3. I have personally been the victim of harassment and abuse by anonymous 'trolls' on unmoderated online forums. Had I been able to find out who they were, I would have sued them for libel for the accusations they made against me.

    I'm all for stamping out the troll population, even if it requires my getting out my Uzi!

  4. I'm so sorry, Jody. I hate that these anonymous trolls can wreck havoc like that under the blanket of anonymity. They are simply too chicken shit to post under their own names. They enjoy the nastiness that they spread, and I just want it to come back and really bite them.

  5. Ewwww....trolls.
    Seriously bad form. Good way to show how stupid they are.

    My pet peeve this week: People on facebook who either type in all caps or small letters. I know, I know, it is a petty thing. I think my son does it to drive me nuts.

  6. *snort* Meg--yeah, I almost did your name in little letters, but decided not to poke you. :-)--too funny about the CAPS and little letters. My SIL does that with zero punctuation--took awhile for me to realize she texts a lot.

  7. Margie, the most offensive troll DID have it come back and bite her in the butt. It's one I KNEW for sure the identity of...A member of the band whose message board she was maligning me on wrote her a scorching email telling her to cut it out (basically ripped her a new one) and she hasn't been heard from since. Said band member is now my personal hero!!!!

  8. Too cool, Jody!
    Being hateful does NOT pay!


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