
Fridge Funkage

On Sunday, I was fed up--I had to clean my refrigerator.

For the past month, something was funky and I didn't know what or where it was. Trust me, I was sniffing EVERYTHING! The problem was the funk had permeated every single thing, including the ice cubes.

It was time.

The only time my fridge is packed full of food is around the holidays. I'm a big--eat leftovers or I toss them out--fan. Nothing usually stays in there longer than three weeks--TOPS. And I never grow science experiments in there. Well, hubster was home for the holidays and I cooked almost every day, which meant lots of lefties . . . and an increase in funkage.

I had enough!

Plus cleaning the fridge got me out of cleaning the rest of the house. :-) THANKS, HONEY!!

I started with the door shelves, removing jars, condiments, booze, salad dressing, etc. along with the shelves. Scrub-a-dub-dub and it was all nice and shiny again. Since everything was out, it was time to purge. I found a Newman's Italian salad dressing that was a year past the printed expiration date, a year old jar of capers, two types of jelly that hadn't been used a a long time ever since the kidlet switched to peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and a tube of anchovy paste from when I made homemade Caesar dressing. All tossed.

I started with the shelves, pulling out food, lefties, and a variety of other stuff. I found a container of unopened sour cream--expired in December, and I tossed some of the older lefties. I took out the shelves and washed them. I cleaned the walls, even getting into the tiny crevices that the shelves slid into. But nothing smelled like the funk.

Time for the three bins. Top bin holds cheese and lunch meats. I thought it was the Genoa salami, but no, that was just pungent garlic. Second bin was the veggies. By this time everything stank. And the third bin I usually keep onions, lemons, and assorted other stuff.

Everything was scrubbed down. I even figured out how to take out the supports for the bins, and cleaned all around. I started loading the bins. The top one was okay, but I did throw some open hot dogs. But that wasn't what smelled.

I did the bottom bin, 'cause it's half the size of the veggie bin. Nope, not there.

Finally, I took care of the veggie bin. I had lettuce, parsley, kale, celery, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower. The lettuce, carrots and celery were fresh. And so was the kale and parsley--what can I say?--our little guinea pig LOVES kale and parsley! The mushrooms were fairly fresh, but they had absorbed the stank, so I tossed them. That left broccoli and cauliflower--nasty-ass smelling stuff on their own.

It was the cauliflower--it didn't look bad, but DAMN! it stunk after I opened the bag--uh, if it happens to you . . . DO NOT OPEN THE CONTAINER!

An hour and a half later--and my fridge is super-duper clean!

Now, I can . . . Write On!


  1. We had guests the weekend before last. That forced me to clean my fridge. It feels good, but it never lasts long enough! That's why I hate cleaning.

  2. One of the advantages of being gone from home for any length of time is that I toss everything out of the fridge. When I first started doing this, I tossed old salad dressing (years past date), crystallized jelly, mayo that would have killed us if we had eaten it, etc.

    I'm like Edie - I love a clean fridge and no, it doesn't last long. Heck, no cleaning lasts long with 2 large dogs, a parrot and a hubby!

    And don't open the old broccoli sack either! OMG...it's deadly!

  3. Gee, Margaret, would you come and clean the frozen Pepsi in my freezer from where someone put a can in to "get really cold" and it exploded? (No, I don't drink Pepsi. Ever.) (And gee, what does he think ICE is for??)

    Better to have the funk in a confined space like the fridge, though. Mine was in the store room. I eventually found a semi-petrified mouse body. Ugh.

    And I'm late to the party, but amen on your paranormal post. Can't count how many paranormals I've judged in unpubbed contests where the heroes were demons for no real reason other than the authors thought it would help them sell.

  4. I hate cleaning...anything really.
    I go through our fridge about once every couple of weeks. Because my son has this habit of leaving empty containers in the fridge. How hard is this concept-- if it's empty, throw it away. lol Evidently, it's harder than you think.

    Glad you got rid of the funk and got back to writing!

  5. I usually empty the fridge when we have family over Thanksgiving, Edie, but they didn't come this year. :-(
    I can always see the back of the fridge, but I don't usually 'clean' unless something gets spilled.

  6. LOL, Cyndi! The broccoli was fresher, so I cooked it. I never think about checking the stuff in the door--jelly, pickles, dressing, etc-so they have a way of staying in the door past their date.

  7. Wow! I actually have time to think about my novel when I'm cleaning. I get some of my best inspiration while doing mindless chores. That's why I do them! Glad your fridge is uber clean so you can write!

  8. Sorry, Marilyn the only way to clean that is to defrost the darn thing. But I think the Bobster needs to be the one to do it, since it was his idea.

    Must be a testosterone thing--Todd put a bottle of champers in the freezer, but luckily took it out before it had a chance to blow!

  9. I never understood why people would leave a tablespoon of something in a container, Ash. How hard is it to finish it or dump it?

  10. Thanks, Elana! I want this revamped partial out the door by Friday!

  11. I hate to tell you, but even when you're the ONLY person living in your space (like I am), the 'clean' doesn't last any longer. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I can mess my own place up so much so quickly.

  12. I've always been a neat person, probably due to my older sister beating the crap out of me when I was younger, but I digress. I'm neat, but don't you EVER do the white glove treatment on my furniture! Shoot--I'll clean toilets over dusting any day!

  13. Oh, my gosh, I laughed myself silly.... We should put out a warning label on If it's Cauliflower, do not, do NOT open the bag!

  14. Glad you enjoyed my story, Donnell!

  15. Hey there! Read a neat idea about "lefties" on Get Organized Now. Said to use some type of marker/label on leftover containers numbered for the day of the month you put them in the fridge. That way, if you still have any 1's-7's in there, and it's the end of the month, well, there ya go! Guess we'd have to do that on that cauliflower too! lol


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