
The Craziness has Started

Puttering around again. . .

Though my mojo is back, life has once again gotten in the way. As I mentioned to my lovely SIL, the craziness is starting and I won't have a life to call my own until I punt the children (yes, even the big 6'3'' child) out the door in January. But I have stuff to keep me occupied:

1) An SOS went out on my goals loop for judges--turns out a coordinator for an RWA contest had a few judges flake out on her--this has so happened to me when I coordinated--so I have two entries in my in box to judge. I glanced at them. They don't look hideous, but first paragraphs can be deceiving. I'll get to them this afternoon.

2) My kiddo's birthday is this weekend. A screaming, giggling horde of little girls are spending the night Friday. Saturday morning is craft time. Noonish is a make-up soccer game. 1:30 we have to pick up Grandma to attend my Godchild/niece's baby shower at 2:00. Then we have to have a private birthday celebration for the kiddo. She gets to chose the restaurant--of course, we will give her a 'helpful' selection to choose from. :-)

3) Uh, I forgot to mention that I haven't ordered the kiddo's cake yet (she wants a cookie cake), or figured out all the craft projects or cleaned the house. Yeah, I know, I know, clean the house so kids can mess it up. Hey! It's what we Gollas do.

4) A friend lent me a book about Down Syndrome siblings--I need to read it for research--one of the characters in my next middle-grade book is dealing with a sib and I want to get her actions/reactions right. I glanced inside and I really like the format of the book--one of my big pet peeves are books that make it difficult for the reader--I even gave away an unused Racheal Ray cookbook because I couldn't stand the blue font!

5) Thanksgiving is around the corner. Time to figure out what I want to make this year. Oh, I love baking, but it won't be as much fun without my SIL drinking and dancing with me as we have a two day long cooking fest. I miss my Margie!! And her kiddos, too! They make the chore fun!

6) and a blog topic. I need to come up with something to natter on and on about for Friday. And I'll take suggestions!

Gotta go...
And good luck to my NaNo friends!!
Write On, Peeps!


  1. Yeah, it sounds like you are busy, busy! Not sure I would be brave enough for a horde of girls at my house. At least not for a overnighter. Because if there are girls, there is drama. And usually not the good kind.

    Have fun, but don't work too hard!!

  2. It isn't the horde of girls that scares me, but the thought of having to stay up late!
    I don't mind getting my butt out of bed before the ass-crack of dawn, but make me stay up until midnight??? *shudders*

  3. I'm busy too. I'm on three committees in two chapters. I have family stuff and obligations to my local chapter. Add to that, my cat won't leave me alone. lol

    I'm going to sneak an hour of writing in right now.

  4. I've gotten into the habit of shutting the kitty in the laundry room--for the most part he doesn't mind (he's 19 and its warm in there).
    And remember those contest entries? Nom, nom, nom--that's me eating my words.

  5. I'm nocturnal. What will you pay me to stay up late with all the little girls? YOU get 'em in the morning, though I will be sleeping in....

  6. Damn, Jody! I would so take you up on it if you still lived in town . . . I think the air fare would kill me.


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