
Day One

Today's the first day of my FCS writing challenge! Yay!

I only had three peeps, including myself who responded, BUT will welcome anyone up for the challenge no matter when you hop in to play the game!

This will be a tough week for me because I didn't accomplish yesterday's goals. :-(
--But I decided to rework only one or two pages prior to walking the kiddo to school. Once she's in school, it's new words only until I finish my word count for the day, then I can diddle with editing.
--my buddy Jody got back to me with comments on my synopsis. Definitely food for thought, though easy fixes. Jods didn't understand why my character buys a Civic Hybrid when she's in such a high-powered type of job. Hmm, I need my character financing some sort of money pit. . . me thinks she should own a horse . . .
--Just got a judging packet for the Linda Howard contest. Five paranormals with a due date of November 29. I HATE putting judging off, but I can't judge until I get my daily word count in. I'll post calender appointments for the weekends, reminding me. Doing one or two every weekend or after my daily writing will finish them in a reasonably timely fashion.
--I haven't heard from this week's recapper for my GIAM loop. Hell, it looks like I might have to get that together, too! Karin doesn't seem to be the only one who thrives on stress!!

On to FCS challenge taker-uppers!

Margaret: goal 15000
Jody: no word count goal
Karin: 2000 words a day

We may be small, but we are a mighty group of players! Come join the fun!

Write on!


  1. I can't really set a word count goal. I tend to vomit out a lot of stuff at once, then spend days going back over it and finessing it. So my total word count for a project may actually go backwards some days depending on how much unnecessary stuff I've cut.

    ALso, the way my thought process goes when I'm writing is, I'd rather take the time to write 100 really good words than 1,000 crappy ones. :)

    But, at the moment, my total word count for the project I began exactly one month ago is right at 20,500.

    I have no idea how long it is going to be. I'm guesstimating 50-60K. But as I mentioned before, it's not something that I will attempt to publish. It's personal, and it's therapy. But I'm writing it the way I'd write something I intended to publish. Every sentence has to be "just so".....

  2. Jody: How about we just have a goal of XX number of minutes writing every night?

    When I edit, I usually cut big chunks of dreck out of my story, BUT I also add words. In my gnome story, I eventually added 10K during the editing process, but I also cut out scenes and changed POV's.

    I know what I wrote on Monday will need major fixing--the hero is girly and there is zero sexual attraction between the H & H, but the scene is written. I also put in red comments, with notes to remind me to amp up the emotion.


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