
Why cicadas? Why??

Why did God make cicadas?

If it wasn't to irritate and laugh at humans than I'm just stumped. They are the single most headache-inducing irritation. I wished I could listen to music while I write, but then I start singing along and forget about writing.

To my knowledge, cicadas don't have any redeeming value except to make hideous noise--probably to find mates--so they can irritate me a year or sixteen down the line.

We've had cicadas since June this year. They love the heat and we had some 100 degree days that month. If you see holes in the ground about 1/2 inch in diameter, that's where they hatched. And that doesn't count all the little exoskeleton carcasses strewn all over the trees and fences as they grow. I've pulled out more dead ones in the pool this year than in my previous eleven years of pool ownership.

Their only redeeming value is when you pick one up to scare the kiddo. NOW, that's fun!

I hate cicadas.


  1. Hrm...not sure 'm familiar with that varmit. Although, being the true okie, I might have another name for it if I saw it. lol

  2. Locust is another name.
    Pain in the ass is another.
    Obnoxious bastards.
    16 year locust,but the bastards hatch more often.

  3. Margaret, you must have more cicadas than we do. They're not so bad by us. The advantage of living in a colder state is less insects. The disadvantage is more snow.

  4. When it hits 90 the cicadas start, but when we hit 100 they are non-stop until darkness falls. I'm inside with the windows shut tight, AC running, and TV on, and I can still hear them. Ugh, But I have to admit drinking a beer helps. :-) A Fat Tire beer. YUM!
    I think I'll take the mild winters, thank you very much.

  5. Cicadas: something we don't have out here that I don't miss. We had Cicadas back in NY State, but they made a totally different sound.

    Other things we don't have here: Horseflies (B52s, as we called them in oklahoma).

    We also don't have fireflies. I miss those though!

    Oh, and we don't have thunderstorms in this part of the state either. I think I have heard thunder three times in ten years. Quite a change from Tulsa!

  6. Thanks for rubbing salt into the wound, Jody. :-(
    I was clicking along with my writing until the droning of the cicadas gave me a headache. It isn't even good white noise since they turn on and off at irregular intervals.
    I've only seen one horsefly since I sold Buster. Guess you have to be around horses to experience THAT joy!
    I like a good thunderstorm, though I have had a problem since that microburst took off part of the barn roof when I was standing about five feet away.


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