
I'm Sick of Gloom

Oklahoma isn't supposed to be gloomy or rain sodden. It just isn't. If I wanted to live in Seattle I would have moved there, but I don't want to live there. I NEED the sun! I squelched through my yard to look at my overgrown grass and shrubs. It's too wet to mow, the puddles in the low areas can't get absorbed since the ground is so wet--thus the flooding. I'm lucky that I don't live in a low area. The bulbs I just planted are popping up through the mulch. And I still haven't had a chance to fertilize and thicken up the mulch in the thin areas. My roses and peony's are limp and sad with their heads hanging low. Pretty soon, I'll see the tell-tale signs of powdery mildew and black spot covering everything. And it's too wet to spray, plus with the way the rain has been pouring down in spurts and starts it will wash away the fungicide before it gets soaked into the leaves.

I definitely have a love/hate relationship with springtime in Oklahoma.

Update on the kiddo: She's fine. All the flu tests came back negative. Consensus is that she has a common cold due to our schedule, thus her exhaustion, and the lame-o weather. Hubster will be pissed, but I'm going to post one of her pictures in her First Holy Communion dress. She's such a cutie!

And an update on NaPiBoWriWee, I've already given up for now. I sent a note to Paula Yoo that I'll never get those stories written since I didn't even get any ideas until day 3, much less have them fleshed out enough to write a story. And she suggested that I jot down a sentence or two for future use. Yes! This I can do! So today and tomorrow I'll jot down my list and I'll have seven prospective stories to write this summer. One good thing came out of this--I wrote over 1000 words on my Middle Grade novel. If I can keep this pace up, I should have it finished by the end of May (my goal), which will give me a month to clean it up before I have to mail it into the contest.

Well, that's it for now. Time to Wii, eat lunch with hubby, get my hair cut, shop at Barnes & Noble, Sam's and Ulta before I come home to write another 1000 words. I'm a happy camper today.

Write on!


  1. Well, I'd say you have a heck of a day planned for yourself! A trip to Barnes and Noble? I wana go!! *jumps up and down* Oh yea, I can't--to much other chores to do. At least buy something good!! :)

    Rachel looks beautiful in her dress.

    I think it's great you wrote 1000 words. And I know you'll get em out today too. ^5 girlie!!

  2. Oh, Rach is gorgeous!!!

    Hope you don't get rained on today. DH and I get to head out for ortho appointments this afternoon -- a check-up on my ankle, x-rays to see if his cast can come off. Fortunately, our doctors are partners and our appointments are at the same time.

    Buy some good books!

  3. Thanks, Kira! Or can I still call you Ash?! I'm SO confused! And we ALL know it doesn't take much to do that! I'll get my word count in and I'll let you know.

    Thanks Marilyn! I'm with you on the rain. Take care of yourself and DH, y'all need a break on the broken stuff--get healthy!
    I have my book list in my hot little hands.

  4. Hi! I'm thrilled that you got a lot of writing done on your MG novel and that you'll at least be able to jot down some pic book ideas for later! It's so fun to have you onboard with us and HAPPY WRITING! xo Paula

  5. Your daughter is gorgeous! And good for you on your 1000 words!

    We're expecting rain for the next three days. Sigh.

  6. They say a picture is worth 1000 words, so by posting that shot of Rachel, I'd say you've completed your writing assignment for the day.

    So now you can shop and enjoy the rest of the day guilt-free.


  7. Hi Paula! Thanks for stopping by. And thank you for giving me the push to complete a PiBo related challenge even though it won't be 7 complete stories!

    Thanks, Edie! We've had almost two weeks of gloom, Right now, I'm looking at sunshine peeking through the clouds. Every now and then a ray will escape and warm my face!

    What a sweet sentiment, Jody! Uh, are you on 'happy pills' today? :-) I'd love to use that as an excuse not to write, but then I'd be justifying my blog time as 'writing' time and never get anything finished!

  8. What I want to know is what books did you buy? hmmm

  9. Okay, Kira asked, so here are the books I bought:
    Eve of Darkness by Sylvia Day--been wanting to read this one for awhile--unable to win during blog drawings.
    Burning Alive by Shannon Butcher--LOVE her hubby Jim's writing so I thought I'd try out her new para romance
    Smoke in Mirrors by Jayne Ann Krentz--just had to have a JAK fix
    Silver Master by Jayne Castle--JAK futuristic fix
    Last Vampire Standing by Nancy Haddock--her first vamp book was a lot of fun, so unlike the other vamp books out there. Tried to win it on a blog, but failed.
    The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan--1st book of the Percy Jackson series, it's a middle grade book, and since I'm writing a MG novel--this is for 'research', yeah, that's what it is. . . Plus the kiddo can read it.

  10. Darlin', may you get all your 1,000 words and more written! Your daughter is so lovely - just like her mom!

    Glad you had fun at the book store, and awww shucks, thank you for my book being one you bought!

    OK and TX are Noah Central right now, but I know the weather well from having lived there. Sooner than later (no OK pun intended), it'll be hot and dry. The rain can be a pain, but try to enjoy it while it lasts. And send some to Florida, will you?

    Nancy Haddock

  11. Hi Nancy! Thanks for stopping by! I squelched my way through the yard picking up rain-pulverized dog poo--yep, TMI and gross. Even if we got three days of sun, I don't think it would be dry enough to mow without trenching the yard. Guess we'll just have to go out of town for the weekend since we can't get any yardwork done!

  12. Gorgeous photo of her in her first communion dress!

  13. Wow! I can't believe how much Rachel has grown. She looks gorgeous, too!
    I have 3 friends whose daughters all had first communion on the same day. Must have been a big day for it all over.
    One woman said, "They're finally old enough to drink wine." LOL!
    Congratulation, Margaret. I know you're proud.


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