
I won this book/ blogs

And yes, Lois did answer my email. I wasn't too late. YAY!

I read many different blogs every day, and I have to say the ones that keep me coming back provide variety. I like blogs that talk about writing in some form or another, but I HATE it when you have a group blog and someone posts a chapter of her 'novel'. I NEVER read those posts. It takes too much time that I'd rather not waste.

I also don't like blogs that are too long. Unless the topic is very interesting, I grow bored very easily and quit reading. I have to say that Editorrent, Writer Unboxed and Murderati tend to fall in this category. But there are a few posters on those loops that I will read, because they are interesting, the topic is interesting or it just hit the right note with me.

I go to CakeWrecks because it makes me laugh.

Editor Anonymous recently had numerous blogs that explained the publishing side of the biz. Kristin Nelson's blog is short and sweet, and yes, she does plug her author's books, but I like her blog and Nathan Bransford provides insight to the agency side of the biz, plus he keeps up with his query stack. I know, he's rejected me within 24 hours.

Those are a few of the blogs I visit daily. But I've won three prizes (two books and a necklace) this year for commenting on various blogs. Last year, I won two books (Karin Tabke's Master of Surrender, and one of Rocki St. Claire's Bullet Catchers)Authors tend to blog visit when they have a new release. They'll be featured in a variety of blogs and most of them will give away a copy of the book being released. This gives them exposure to blog reader that they might not have been in touch with and other potential readers.

--Just don't give away an autographed copy of the cover plate or bookmark. PLEASE! Yes, some authors think this is good enough--it isn't. Who keeps those things?? Not me. I've tossed more bookmarks and cover plates than I care to admit. The books that were given away (even the backlist books are better than cover plates!) get read and passed around.

If you have a pending release purchase some extra books and give them away on blogs. You'll get new readers and great exposure!

Write on!


  1. And of COURSE you visit Cynderella's Castle daily, right? LOL

    I LOVE winning books. Book marks, etc, no thanks. I have more junk in my house than I can deal with now.

  2. I tend to visit your blog and Susan's once a week, usually in the afternoon. That's when I catch up on the fun stuff.

  3. I just went to Cake Wrecks. Love the Good Riddance cakes. LOL

    If a blog is too long, I get antsy, too. It takes too much time that I don't have.

  4. I love Cake Wrecks. Janet Reid http://jetreidliterary.blogspot.com/ pointed me in that direction. Always check Sunday's cakes--those are the really, really neat ones, the non-wrecks!


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