
Wheel of Fortune tarot card

Over a year ago I started a daily drawing of a single tarot card. For the most part I started doing this as 'research' for a characters. Yup, hubby thinks I'm weirding out on him, but he's the one who bought me the cards for Christmas! I told him to get over it and only start worrying if I collected crystals and burned incense.
. . . hm, maybe I need to shopping at the local New Age store, or pull out my undetectable poisons book and leave it next to my computer. BWAHAHAHAHA. Dude should know by now not to mess with a writer.
Anyway, when I pulled that card excitement tingled through my body. The tide is turning, change is on the way.
Yeah, Riight.
Reality check to self. I sent out about 9 partials/queries last week. This card meant the form letter rejections will start pouring in.
Of course, the mail was late, like it is every Monday, and it wasn't until after the kiddo's gymnastic class that I had her get the mail.
Lo and behold! One of my SASE had arrived from FinePrint. I took a deep breath and ripped it open.
Dear Author--
Yep, I think the Wheel of Fortune card certainly pegged it yesterday!
As I wrote this blog I was shuffling my cards for today
GREAT--I just drew THE DEVIL. I've Never drawn the Devil before. I looked up the meanings. Hm, one of the meanings is bondage--maybe I need to start writing Erotica's involving bondage instead of UF. What do you all think? No? That's not what they meant?
Oh, well, shit happens.
Write on!

1 comment:

  1. I've received those Dear Author letters too. Not fun, but you're a survivor. And maybe you should write a book about The Devil. The cards could be nudging you to a bestseller.


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