
Heroes & Heroines

Tami Cowden is coming to town tomorrow. She's presenting a workshop sponsored by my old RWA chapter, Romance Writers Ink. I quit the chapter at the end of last year since the direction of my writing is moving away from romance and is heading toward a different genre, Urban Fantasy. That said, I'd be stupid not to take advantage of her presentation of her 16 master archetypes. Yes, the book is labelled Heroes & Heroines and it seems to be geared toward romance, but, as I've mentioned in other posts, I firmly believe in cross-training. A writer who thinks there is nothing left to learn is not very far sighted (How very PC of me, hm? Normally, I would have said, stupid, but I didn't).
There is ALWAYS something to learn and discover.
I just wish I had time this last week to reread the book. I bought it about seven years ago and read it then, but haven't picked it up since then. *sigh* Isn't that the way it always works?
I did manage to skim through it and there is a buttload of info. Even if you don't write romances, you can still read how your main protagonist will react to other personality types.
Write on!


  1. See you there, Margaret!!

  2. Have fun. Take GOOD NOTES! Wish I could join you.

  3. I have the book and I do use it while preparing my character sheets. Have fun at the meeting!


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