
Post Thanksgiving-Pre Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend!

The relatives have departed and the house is ours again. Not that the relatives make a mess or anything, but I think I like my routines too much. :-) Hubby put up the outside lights on the last warm day we had--the day before Thanksgiving, and he put up the Christmas tree last night. So we will be decorating the house this week. It's definitely a family affair.

I have my homemade truffles to make. I think it will take me 3-4 days to complete the task. The fillings are complete, but standing and molding untold amounts of candy is rough. It's a back breaking affair and I need to stock up on Aleve and get rid of this darn cold before I start handling candy gifts.

My SIL, Margie, did manage to get me and the kiddo walking again. I've gotten a bad case of writer's ass and I need to do something about it! So my goal is to walk M-W-F in the mornings continuing after I walk the kiddo to school, and on T-TH I'll walk with the kiddo after school. I know it will get my brain juices flowing and hopefully, I'll lose some of my excess padding. There has already been some positive results in the form of my wonky knee--it doesn't hurt anymore! Isn't it amazing what toning muscles can do for your health?

1 comment:

  1. Writer's Ass....BRAWHAHAHAHAHAHA

    I told someone if I ate anything else my ass would just explode


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